mirror of https://github.com/home-assistant/core synced 2024-09-15 17:29:45 +02:00

[ci skip] Translation update

This commit is contained in:
HomeAssistant Azure 2019-09-25 00:32:16 +00:00
parent 9c9c921922
commit 24c8db0121
8 changed files with 234 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
"device_automation": {
"condition_type": {
"is_bat_low": "{entity_name} ima prazno baterijo",
"is_cold": "{entity_name} je hladen",
"is_connected": "{entity_name} je povezan",
"is_gas": "{entity_name} zaznava plin",
"is_hot": "{entity_name} je vro\u010d",
"is_light": "{entity_name} zaznava svetlobo",
"is_locked": "{entity_name} je zaklenjen",
"is_moist": "{entity_name} je vla\u017een",
"is_motion": "{entity_name} zaznava gibanje",
"is_moving": "{entity_name} se premika",
"is_no_gas": "{entity_name} ne zaznava plina",
"is_no_light": "{entity_name} ne zaznava svetlobe",
"is_no_motion": "{entity_name} ne zaznava gibanja",
"is_no_problem": "{entity_name} ne zaznava te\u017eav",
"is_no_smoke": "{entity_name} ne zaznava dima",
"is_no_sound": "{entity_name} ne zaznava zvoka",
"is_no_vibration": "{entity_name} ne zazna vibracij",
"is_not_bat_low": "{entity_name} baterija je polna",
"is_not_cold": "{entity_name} ni hladen",
"is_not_connected": "{entity_name} ni povezan",
"is_not_hot": "{entity_name} ni vro\u010d",
"is_not_locked": "{entity_name} je odklenjen",
"is_not_moist": "{entity_name} je suh",
"is_not_moving": "{entity_name} se ne premika",
"is_not_occupied": "{entity_name} ni zaseden",
"is_not_open": "{entity_name} je zaprt",
"is_not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} je odklopljen",
"is_not_powered": "{entity_name} ni napajan",
"is_not_present": "{entity_name} ni prisoten",
"is_not_unsafe": "{entity_name} je varen",
"is_occupied": "{entity_name} je zaseden",
"is_off": "{entity_name} je izklopljen",
"is_on": "{entity_name} je vklopljen",
"is_open": "{entity_name} je odprt",
"is_plugged_in": "{entity_name} je priklju\u010den",
"is_powered": "{entity_name} je vklopljen",
"is_present": "{entity_name} je prisoten",
"is_problem": "{entity_name} zaznava te\u017eavo",
"is_smoke": "{entity_name} zaznava dim",
"is_sound": "{entity_name} zaznava zvok",
"is_unsafe": "{entity_name} ni varen",
"is_vibration": "{entity_name} zaznava vibracije"
"trigger_type": {
"bat_low": "{entity_name} ima prazno baterijo",
"closed": "{entity_name} zaprto",
"cold": "{entity_name} je postal hladen",
"connected": "{entity_name} povezan",
"gas": "{entity_name} za\u010del zaznavati plin",
"hot": "{entity_name} je postal vro\u010d",
"light": "{entity_name} za\u010del zaznavati svetlobo",
"locked": "{entity_name} zaklenjen",
"moist\u00a7": "{entity_name} postal vla\u017een",
"motion": "{entity_name} za\u010del zaznavati gibanje",
"moving": "{entity_name} se je za\u010del premikati",
"no_gas": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati plin",
"no_light": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati svetlobo",
"no_motion": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati gibanje",
"no_problem": "{entity_name} prenehal odkrivati te\u017eavo",
"no_smoke": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati dim",
"no_sound": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati zvok",
"no_vibration": "{entity_name} prenehal zaznavati vibracije",
"not_bat_low": "{entity_name} ima polno baterijo",
"not_cold": "{entity_name} ni ve\u010d hladen",
"not_connected": "{entity_name} prekinjen",
"not_hot": "{entity_name} ni ve\u010d vro\u010d",
"not_locked": "{entity_name} odklenjen",
"not_moist": "{entity_name} je postalo suh",
"not_moving": "{entity_name} se je prenehal premikati",
"not_occupied": "{entity_name} ni zaseden",
"not_plugged_in": "{entity_name} odklopljen",
"not_powered": "{entity_name} ni napajan",
"not_present": "{entity_name} ni prisoten",
"not_unsafe": "{entity_name} je postal varen",
"occupied": "{entity_name} postal zaseden",
"opened": "{entity_name} odprl",
"plugged_in": "{entity_name} priklju\u010den",
"powered": "{entity_name} priklopljen",
"present": "{entity_name} prisoten",
"problem": "{entity_name} za\u010del odkrivati te\u017eavo",
"smoke": "{entity_name} za\u010del zaznavati dim",
"sound": "{entity_name} za\u010del zaznavati zvok",
"turned_off": "{entity_name} izklopljen",
"turned_on": "{entity_name} vklopljen",
"unsafe": "{entity_name} je postal nevaren",
"vibration": "{entity_name} je za\u010del odkrivat vibracije"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"no_devices_found": "V omre\u017eju ni najdenih naprav iZone.",
"single_instance_allowed": "Potrebna je samo ena konfiguracija iZone."
"step": {
"confirm": {
"description": "Ali \u017eelite nastaviti iZone?",
"title": "iZone"
"title": "iZone"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"state": { "state": {
"first_quarter": "F\u00f8rste kvartal", "first_quarter": "F\u00f8rste kvartal",
"full_moon": "Fullm\u00e5ne", "full_moon": "Fullm\u00e5ne",
"last_quarter": "Siste kvarter", "last_quarter": "Siste kvartal",
"new_moon": "Nym\u00e5ne", "new_moon": "Nym\u00e5ne",
"waning_crescent": "Minkende m\u00e5nesigd", "waning_crescent": "Minkende m\u00e5nesigd",
"waning_gibbous": "Minkende m\u00e5ne", "waning_gibbous": "Minkende m\u00e5ne",

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"data": { "data": {
"token": "Plex \ud1a0\ud070" "token": "Plex \ud1a0\ud070"
}, },
"description": "\uc790\ub3d9 \uc124\uc815\uc744 \uc704\ud574 Plex \ud1a0\ud070\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud574\uc8fc\uc138\uc694.", "description": "\uc790\ub3d9 \uc124\uc815\uc744 \uc704\ud574 Plex \ud1a0\ud070\uc744 \uc785\ub825\ud558\uac70\ub098 \uc11c\ubc84\ub97c \uc218\ub3d9\uc73c\ub85c \uad6c\uc131\ud574\uc8fc\uc138\uc694.",
"title": "Plex \uc11c\ubc84 \uc5f0\uacb0" "title": "Plex \uc11c\ubc84 \uc5f0\uacb0"
} }
}, },

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
"manual_setup": "\u0420\u0443\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043a\u0430", "manual_setup": "\u0420\u0443\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043a\u0430",
"token": "\u0422\u043e\u043a\u0435\u043d" "token": "\u0422\u043e\u043a\u0435\u043d"
}, },
"description": "\u0412\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u043a\u0435\u043d Plex \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043a\u0438.", "description": "\u0412\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u043e\u043a\u0435\u043d \u0434\u043b\u044f \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0439 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043b\u0438 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043e\u0439\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0435\u0440 \u0432\u0440\u0443\u0447\u043d\u0443\u044e.",
"title": "Plex" "title": "Plex"
} }
}, },

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
"config": {
"abort": {
"all_configured": "Vsi povezani stre\u017eniki so \u017ee konfigurirani",
"already_configured": "Ta stre\u017enik Plex je \u017ee konfiguriran",
"already_in_progress": "Plex se konfigurira",
"invalid_import": "Uvo\u017eena konfiguracija ni veljavna",
"unknown": "Ni uspelo iz neznanega razloga"
"error": {
"faulty_credentials": "Avtorizacija ni uspela",
"no_servers": "Ni stre\u017enikov povezanih z ra\u010dunom",
"no_token": "Vnesite \u017eeton ali izberite ro\u010dno nastavitev",
"not_found": "Plex stre\u017enika ni mogo\u010de najti"
"step": {
"manual_setup": {
"data": {
"host": "Gostitelj",
"port": "Vrata",
"ssl": "Uporaba SSL",
"token": "\u017deton (po potrebi)",
"verify_ssl": "Preverite SSL potrdilo"
"title": "Plex stre\u017enik"
"select_server": {
"data": {
"server": "Stre\u017enik"
"description": "Na voljo je ve\u010d stre\u017enikov, izberite enega:",
"title": "Izberite stre\u017enik Plex"
"user": {
"data": {
"manual_setup": "Ro\u010dna nastavitev",
"token": "Plex \u017eeton"
"description": "Vnesite \u017eeton Plex za samodejno nastavitev ali ro\u010dno konfigurirajte stre\u017enik.",
"title": "Pove\u017eite stre\u017enik Plex"
"title": "Plex"

View File

@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
{ {
"config": { "config": {
"abort": { "abort": {
"single_instance_allowed": "Only a single configuration of ZHA is allowed." "single_instance_allowed": "Only a single configuration of ZHA is allowed."
}, },
"error": { "error": {
"cannot_connect": "Unable to connect to ZHA device." "cannot_connect": "Unable to connect to ZHA device."
}, },
"step": { "step": {
"user": { "user": {
"data": { "data": {
"radio_type": "Radio Type", "radio_type": "Radio Type",
"usb_path": "USB Device Path" "usb_path": "USB Device Path"
"title": "ZHA"
}, },
"title": "ZHA" "title": "ZHA"
}, },
"title": "ZHA" "device_automation": {
}, "trigger_subtype": {
"device_automation": { "both_buttons": "Both buttons",
"trigger_type": { "button_1": "First button",
"remote_button_short_press": "\"{subtype}\" button pressed", "button_2": "Second button",
"remote_button_short_release": "\"{subtype}\" button released", "button_3": "Third button",
"remote_button_long_press": "\"{subtype}\" button continuously pressed", "button_4": "Fourth button",
"remote_button_long_release": "\"{subtype}\" button released after long press", "button_5": "Fifth button",
"remote_button_double_press": "\"{subtype}\" button double clicked", "button_6": "Sixth button",
"remote_button_triple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button triple clicked", "close": "Close",
"remote_button_quadruple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button quadruple clicked", "dim_down": "Dim down",
"remote_button_quintuple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button quintuple clicked", "dim_up": "Dim up",
"device_rotated": "Device rotated \"{subtype}\"", "face_1": "with face 1 activated",
"device_shaken": "Device shaken", "face_2": "with face 2 activated",
"device_slid": "Device slid \"{subtype}\"", "face_3": "with face 3 activated",
"device_tilted": "Device tilted", "face_4": "with face 4 activated",
"device_knocked": "Device knocked \"{subtype}\"", "face_5": "with face 5 activated",
"device_dropped": "Device dropped", "face_6": "with face 6 activated",
"device_flipped": "Device flipped \"{subtype}\"" "face_any": "With any/specified face(s) activated",
}, "left": "Left",
"trigger_subtype": { "open": "Open",
"turn_on": "Turn on", "right": "Right",
"turn_off": "Turn off", "turn_off": "Turn off",
"dim_up": "Dim up", "turn_on": "Turn on"
"dim_down": "Dim down", },
"left": "Left", "trigger_type": {
"right": "Right", "device_dropped": "Device dropped",
"open": "Open", "device_flipped": "Device flipped \"{subtype}\"",
"close": "Close", "device_knocked": "Device knocked \"{subtype}\"",
"both_buttons": "Both buttons", "device_rotated": "Device rotated \"{subtype}\"",
"button_1": "First button", "device_shaken": "Device shaken",
"button_2": "Second button", "device_slid": "Device slid \"{subtype}\"",
"button_3": "Third button", "device_tilted": "Device tilted",
"button_4": "Fourth button", "remote_button_double_press": "\"{subtype}\" button double clicked",
"button_5": "Fifth button", "remote_button_long_press": "\"{subtype}\" button continuously pressed",
"button_6": "Sixth button", "remote_button_long_release": "\"{subtype}\" button released after long press",
"face_any": "With any/specified face(s) activated", "remote_button_quadruple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button quadruple clicked",
"face_1": "With face 1 activated", "remote_button_quintuple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button quintuple clicked",
"face_2": "With face 2 activated", "remote_button_short_press": "\"{subtype}\" button pressed",
"face_3": "With face 3 activated", "remote_button_short_release": "\"{subtype}\" button released",
"face_4": "With face 4 activated", "remote_button_triple_press": "\"{subtype}\" button triple clicked"
"face_5": "With face 5 activated", }
"face_6": "With face 6 activated"
} }
} }

View File

@ -16,5 +16,26 @@
} }
}, },
"title": "ZHA" "title": "ZHA"
"device_automation": {
"trigger_subtype": {
"both_buttons": "Begge knapper",
"button_1": "F\u00f8rste knapp",
"button_2": "Andre knapp",
"button_3": "Tredje knapp",
"button_4": "Fjerde knapp",
"close": "Lukk",
"dim_down": "Dimm ned",
"dim_up": "Dimm opp",
"left": "Venstre",
"open": "\u00c5pen",
"right": "H\u00f8yre",
"turn_off": "Skru av",
"turn_on": "Sl\u00e5 p\u00e5"
"trigger_type": {
"remote_button_short_press": "\"{subtype}\"-knappen ble trykket",
"remote_button_short_release": "\"{subtype}\"-knappen sluppet"
} }
} }