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2023-02-03 23:08:48 +01:00
"""Manage allocation of instance ID's.
HomeKit needs to allocate unique numbers to each accessory. These need to
be stable between reboots and upgrades.
This module generates and stores them in a HA storage.
from __future__ import annotations
from uuid import UUID
from pyhap.util import uuid_to_hap_type
from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback
from homeassistant.helpers.storage import Store
from .util import get_iid_storage_filename_for_entry_id
ALLOCATIONS_KEY = "allocations"
IID_MAX = 18446744073709551615
class IIDStorage(Store):
"""Storage class for IIDManager."""
async def _async_migrate_func(
old_major_version: int,
old_minor_version: int,
old_data: dict,
"""Migrate to the new version."""
if old_major_version == 1:
# Convert v1 to v2 format which uses a unique iid set per accessory
# instead of per pairing since we need the ACCESSORY_INFORMATION_SERVICE
# to always have iid 1 for each bridged accessory as well as the bridge
old_allocations: dict[str, int] = old_data.pop(ALLOCATIONS_KEY, {})
new_allocation: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {}
old_data[ALLOCATIONS_KEY] = new_allocation
for allocation_key, iid in old_allocations.items():
aid_str, new_allocation_key = allocation_key.split("_", 1)
service_type, _, char_type, *_ = new_allocation_key.split("_")
accessory_allocation = new_allocation.setdefault(aid_str, {})
if service_type == ACCESSORY_INFORMATION_SERVICE and not char_type:
accessory_allocation[new_allocation_key] = 1
elif iid != 1:
accessory_allocation[new_allocation_key] = iid
return old_data
raise NotImplementedError
class AccessoryIIDStorage:
2023-02-03 23:08:48 +01:00
"""Provide stable allocation of IIDs for the lifetime of an accessory.
Will generate new ID's, ensure they are unique and store them to make sure they
persist over reboots.
def __init__(self, hass: HomeAssistant, entry_id: str) -> None:
"""Create a new iid store."""
self.hass = hass
self.allocations: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {}
self.allocated_iids: dict[str, list[int]] = {}
self.entry_id = entry_id
self.store: IIDStorage | None = None
async def async_initialize(self) -> None:
"""Load the latest IID data."""
iid_store = get_iid_storage_filename_for_entry_id(self.entry_id)
self.store = IIDStorage(self.hass, IID_MANAGER_STORAGE_VERSION, iid_store)
if not (raw_storage := await self.store.async_load()):
# There is no data about iid allocations yet
assert isinstance(raw_storage, dict)
self.allocations = raw_storage.get(ALLOCATIONS_KEY, {})
for aid_str, allocations in self.allocations.items():
self.allocated_iids[aid_str] = sorted(allocations.values())
def get_or_allocate_iid(
aid: int,
service_uuid: UUID,
service_unique_id: str | None,
char_uuid: UUID | None,
char_unique_id: str | None,
) -> int:
"""Generate a stable iid."""
service_hap_type: str = uuid_to_hap_type(service_uuid)
char_hap_type: str | None = uuid_to_hap_type(char_uuid) if char_uuid else None
# Allocation key must be a string since we are saving it to JSON
allocation_key = (
f'{service_hap_type}_{service_unique_id or ""}_'
f'{char_hap_type or ""}_{char_unique_id or ""}'
# AID must be a string since JSON keys cannot be int
aid_str = str(aid)
accessory_allocation = self.allocations.setdefault(aid_str, {})
accessory_allocated_iids = self.allocated_iids.setdefault(aid_str, [1])
if service_hap_type == ACCESSORY_INFORMATION_SERVICE and char_uuid is None:
return 1
if allocation_key in accessory_allocation:
return accessory_allocation[allocation_key]
if accessory_allocated_iids:
allocated_iid = accessory_allocated_iids[-1] + 1
allocated_iid = 2
accessory_allocation[allocation_key] = allocated_iid
return allocated_iid
def _async_schedule_save(self) -> None:
"""Schedule saving the iid allocations."""
assert self.store is not None
self.store.async_delay_save(self._data_to_save, IID_MANAGER_SAVE_DELAY)
async def async_save(self) -> None:
"""Save the iid allocations."""
assert self.store is not None
return await self.store.async_save(self._data_to_save())
def _data_to_save(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, dict[str, int]]]:
"""Return data of entity map to store in a file."""
return {ALLOCATIONS_KEY: self.allocations}