
355 lines
16 KiB

using Flowframes.Data;
using Flowframes.IO;
using Flowframes.Main;
using Flowframes.MiscUtils;
using Flowframes.Ui;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Flowframes.AvProcess;
namespace Flowframes.Media
partial class FfmpegExtract : FfmpegCommands
public static async Task ExtractSceneChanges(string inPath, string outDir, Fraction rate, bool inputIsFrames, string format)
Logger.Log("Extracting scene changes...");
string inArg = $"-i {inPath.Wrap()}";
if (inputIsFrames)
string concatFile = Path.Combine(Paths.GetSessionDataPath(), "png-scndetect-concat-temp.ini");
FfmpegUtils.CreateConcatFile(inPath, concatFile, Filetypes.imagesInterpCompat.ToList());
inArg = $"-f concat -safe 0 -i {concatFile.Wrap()}";
string scnDetect = $"-vf \"select='gt(scene,{Config.GetFloatString(Config.Key.scnDetectValue)})'\"";
string rateArg = (rate.GetFloat() > 0) ? $"-fps_mode cfr -r {rate}" : "-fps_mode passthrough";
string args = $"{GetTrimArg(true)} {inArg} {GetImgArgs(format)} {rateArg} {scnDetect} -frame_pts 1 -s 256x144 {GetTrimArg(false)} \"{outDir}/%{Padding.inputFrames}d{format}\"";
LogMode logMode = Interpolate.currentMediaFile.FrameCount > 50 ? LogMode.OnlyLastLine : LogMode.Hidden;
await RunFfmpeg(args, logMode, inputIsFrames ? "panic" : "warning", true);
bool hiddenLog = Interpolate.currentMediaFile.FrameCount <= 50;
int amount = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(outDir, false);
Logger.Log($"Detected {amount} scene {(amount == 1 ? "change" : "changes")}.".Replace(" 0 ", " no "), false, !hiddenLog);
static string GetImgArgs(string extension, bool includePixFmt = true, bool alpha = false)
extension = extension.Lower().Remove(".").Replace("jpeg", "jpg");
string pixFmt = "yuv420p";
if (Interpolate.currentMediaFile != null && Interpolate.currentMediaFile.VideoStreams.Any())
pixFmt = Interpolate.currentMediaFile.VideoStreams.First().PixelFormat;
pixFmt = SimplifyPixFmt(pixFmt);
bool inputHighBitDepth = pixFmt.Contains("p10") || pixFmt.Contains("p16");
bool outputHighBitDepth = Interpolate.currentSettings.outSettings.PixelFormat.ToString().Lower().Contains("p10");
string args = "";
if (extension == "png")
pixFmt = alpha ? "rgba" : "rgb24"; // PNG can't use YUV so we overwrite it with RGB
args = pngCompr;
else if (extension == "jpg")
// Fallback to YUV420P if not in list of supported formats
if (!new[] { "yuv420p", "yuv422p", "yuv444p" }.Contains(pixFmt))
pixFmt = "yuv420p";
args = $"-q:v 1";
else if (extension == "tiff")
// Fallback to YUV420P if not in list of supported formats
if (!new[] { "rgb24", "rgb48le", "pal8", "rgba", "yuv420p", "yuv422p", "yuv440p", "yuv444p" }.Contains(pixFmt))
pixFmt = inputHighBitDepth && outputHighBitDepth ? "rgb48le" : "yuv420p";
else if (extension == "webp")
// Fallback to YUV420P if not in list of supported formats
if (!new[] { "bgra", "yuv420p", "yuva420p" }.Contains(pixFmt))
pixFmt = "yuv420p";
args = $"-q:v 100";
if (includePixFmt)
args += $" -pix_fmt {pixFmt}";
return args;
private static string SimplifyPixFmt (string pixFmt)
pixFmt = pixFmt.Lower();
pixFmt = pixFmt.Replace("yuvj", "yuv");
pixFmt = pixFmt.Replace("bgra", "rgba");
return pixFmt;
public static async Task VideoToFrames(string inputFile, string framesDir, bool alpha, Fraction rate, bool deDupe, bool delSrc, Size size, string format)
Logger.Log("Extracting video frames from input video...");
Logger.Log($"VideoToFrames() - Alpha: {alpha} - Rate: {rate} - Size: {size} - Format: {format}", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string sizeStr = (size.Width > 1 && size.Height > 1) ? $"-s {size.Width}x{size.Height}" : "";
string mpStr = deDupe ? GetMpdecimate(true) : "";
string filters = FormatUtils.ConcatStrings(new[] { GetPadFilter(), mpStr });
string vf = filters.Length > 2 ? $"-vf {filters}" : "";
string rateArg = (rate.GetFloat() > 0 && !deDupe) ? $" -fps_mode cfr -r {rate}" : "-fps_mode passthrough";
string args = $"{GetTrimArg(true)} -itsscale {Interpolate.currentMediaFile.VideoStreams.First().FpsInfo.VfrRatio} -i {inputFile.Wrap()} {GetImgArgs(format, true, alpha)} {rateArg} -frame_pts 1 {vf} {sizeStr} {GetTrimArg(false)} \"{framesDir}/%{Padding.inputFrames}d{format}\""; LogMode logMode = Interpolate.currentMediaFile.FrameCount > 50 ? LogMode.OnlyLastLine : LogMode.Hidden;
await RunFfmpeg(args, logMode, true);
int amount = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(framesDir, false, "*" + format);
Logger.Log($"Extracted {amount} {(amount == 1 ? "frame" : "frames")} from input.", false, true);
await Task.Delay(1);
if (delSrc)
public static async Task ImportImagesCheckCompat(string inPath, string outPath, bool alpha, Size size, bool showLog, string format)
bool compatible = await Task.Run(async () => { return AreImagesCompatible(inPath, Config.GetInt(Config.Key.maxVidHeight)); });
if (!alpha && compatible)
await CopyImages(inPath, outPath, showLog);
await ImportImages(inPath, outPath, alpha, size, showLog, format);
public static async Task CopyImages(string inpath, string outpath, bool showLog)
if (showLog) Logger.Log($"Loading images from {new DirectoryInfo(inpath).Name}...");
Dictionary<string, string> moveFromTo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
int counter = 0;
foreach (FileInfo file in IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(inpath))
string newFilename = counter.ToString().PadLeft(Padding.inputFrames, '0') + file.Extension;
moveFromTo.Add(file.FullName, Path.Combine(outpath, newFilename));
if (Config.GetBool(Config.Key.allowSymlinkEncoding) && Config.GetBool(Config.Key.allowSymlinkImport, true))
Logger.Log($"Symlink Import enabled, creating symlinks for input frames...", true);
Dictionary<string, string> moveFromToSwapped = moveFromTo.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key); // From/To => To/From (Link/Target)
await Symlinks.CreateSymlinksParallel(moveFromToSwapped);
Logger.Log($"Symlink Import disabled, copying input frames...", true);
await Task.Run(async () =>
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> moveFromToPair in moveFromTo)
File.Copy(moveFromToPair.Key, moveFromToPair.Value);
static bool AreImagesCompatible(string inpath, int maxHeight)
NmkdStopwatch sw = new NmkdStopwatch();
string[] validExtensions = Filetypes.imagesInterpCompat; // = new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png" };
FileInfo[] files = IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(inpath);
if (files.Length < 1)
Logger.Log("[AreImagesCompatible] Sequence not compatible: No files found.", true);
return false;
bool allSameExtension = files.All(x => x.Extension == files.First().Extension);
if (!allSameExtension)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Not all files have the same extension.", true);
return false;
bool allValidExtension = files.All(x => validExtensions.Contains(x.Extension));
if (!allValidExtension)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Not all files have a valid extension ({string.Join(", ", validExtensions)}).", true);
return false;
int sampleCount = Config.GetInt(Config.Key.imgSeqSampleCount, 10);
Image[] randomSamples = files.OrderBy(arg => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(sampleCount).Select(x => IoUtils.GetImage(x.FullName)).ToArray();
bool allSameSize = randomSamples.All(i => i.Size == randomSamples.First().Size);
if (!allSameSize)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Not all images have the same dimensions.", true);
return false;
int div = GetModulo();
bool allDivBy2 = randomSamples.All(i => (i.Width % div == 0) && (i.Height % div == 0));
if (!allDivBy2)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Not all image dimensions are divisible by {div}.", true);
return false;
bool allSmallEnough = randomSamples.All(i => (i.Height <= maxHeight));
if (!allSmallEnough)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Image dimensions above max size.", true);
return false;
bool all24Bit = randomSamples.All(i => (i.PixelFormat == System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb));
if (!all24Bit)
Logger.Log($"Sequence not compatible: Some images are not 24-bit (8bpp).", true);
return false;
Interpolate.currentSettings.framesExt = files.First().Extension;
Logger.Log($"Sequence compatible!", true);
return true;
public static async Task ImportImages(string inPath, string outPath, bool alpha, Size size, bool showLog, string format)
if (showLog) Logger.Log($"Importing images from {new DirectoryInfo(inPath).Name}...");
Logger.Log($"ImportImages() - Alpha: {alpha} - Size: {size} - Format: {format}", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string concatFile = Path.Combine(Paths.GetSessionDataPath(), "import-concat-temp.ini");
FfmpegUtils.CreateConcatFile(inPath, concatFile, Filetypes.imagesInterpCompat.ToList());
string inArg = $"-f concat -safe 0 -i {concatFile.Wrap()}";
string linksDir = Path.Combine(concatFile + Paths.symlinksSuffix);
if (Config.GetBool(Config.Key.allowSymlinkEncoding, true) && Symlinks.SymlinksAllowed())
if (await Symlinks.MakeSymlinksForEncode(concatFile, linksDir, Padding.interpFrames))
inArg = $"-i \"{linksDir}/%{Padding.interpFrames}d{FfmpegEncode.GetConcatFileExt(concatFile)}\"";
string sizeStr = (size.Width > 1 && size.Height > 1) ? $"-s {size.Width}x{size.Height}" : "";
string vf = $"-vf {GetPadFilter()}";
string args = $"-r 25 {inArg} {GetImgArgs(format, true, alpha)} {sizeStr} -fps_mode passthrough -start_number 0 {vf} \"{outPath}/%{Padding.inputFrames}d{format}\"";
LogMode logMode = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(inPath, false) > 50 ? LogMode.OnlyLastLine : LogMode.Hidden;
await RunFfmpeg(args, logMode, "panic");
public static string[] GetTrimArgs()
return new string[] { GetTrimArg(true), GetTrimArg(false) };
public static string GetTrimArg(bool input)
if (!QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled)
return "";
int fastSeekThresh = 180;
bool fastSeek = QuickSettingsTab.trimStartSecs > fastSeekThresh;
string arg = "";
if (input)
if (fastSeek)
arg += $"-ss {QuickSettingsTab.trimStartSecs - fastSeekThresh}";
return arg;
if (fastSeek)
arg += $"-ss {fastSeekThresh}";
long trimTimeSecs = QuickSettingsTab.trimEndSecs - QuickSettingsTab.trimStartSecs;
if (QuickSettingsTab.doTrimEnd)
arg += $" -to {fastSeekThresh + trimTimeSecs}";
arg += $"-ss {QuickSettingsTab.trimStart}";
if (QuickSettingsTab.doTrimEnd)
arg += $" -to {QuickSettingsTab.trimEnd}";
return arg;
public static async Task ImportSingleImage(string inputFile, string outPath, Size size)
string sizeStr = (size.Width > 1 && size.Height > 1) ? $"-s {size.Width}x{size.Height}" : "";
bool isPng = (Path.GetExtension(outPath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".png");
string comprArg = isPng ? pngCompr : "";
string pixFmt = "-pix_fmt " + (isPng ? $"rgb24 {comprArg}" : "yuvj420p");
string args = $"-i {inputFile.Wrap()} {comprArg} {sizeStr} {pixFmt} -vf {GetPadFilter()} {outPath.Wrap()}";
await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden);
public static async Task ExtractSingleFrame(string inputFile, string outputPath, int frameNum)
bool isPng = (Path.GetExtension(outputPath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".png");
string comprArg = isPng ? pngCompr : "";
string pixFmt = "-pix_fmt " + (isPng ? $"rgb24 {comprArg}" : "yuvj420p");
string args = $"-i {inputFile.Wrap()} -vf \"select=eq(n\\,{frameNum})\" -vframes 1 {pixFmt} {outputPath.Wrap()}";
await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden);
public static async Task ExtractLastFrame(string inputFile, string outputPath, Size size)
if (QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled)
if (IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(outputPath))
outputPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, "last.png");
bool isPng = (Path.GetExtension(outputPath).ToLowerInvariant() == ".png");
string comprArg = isPng ? pngCompr : "";
string pixFmt = "-pix_fmt " + (isPng ? $"rgb24 {comprArg}" : "yuvj420p");
string sizeStr = (size.Width > 1 && size.Height > 1) ? $"-s {size.Width}x{size.Height}" : "";
string trim = QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled ? $"-ss {QuickSettingsTab.GetTrimEndMinusOne()} -to {QuickSettingsTab.trimEnd}" : "";
string sseof = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trim) ? "-sseof -1" : "";
string args = $"{sseof} -i {inputFile.Wrap()} -update 1 {pixFmt} {sizeStr} {trim} {outputPath.Wrap()}";
await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden);
public static async Task GeneratePalette(string inputFile, string outputPath, int colors = 256)
string args = $"-i {inputFile.Wrap()} -vf palettegen={colors} {outputPath.Wrap()}";
await Task.Run(() => AvProcess.RunFfmpegSync(args));