
313 lines
13 KiB

using Flowframes.Media;
using Flowframes.Data;
using Flowframes.IO;
using Flowframes.MiscUtils;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Flowframes.AvProcess;
namespace Flowframes
class FfmpegCommands
public static string hdrFilter = @"-vf zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,zscale=p=bt709,tonemap=tonemap=hable:desat=0,zscale=t=bt709:m=bt709:r=tv,format=yuv420p";
public static string pngCompr = "-compression_level 3";
public enum MpDecSensitivity { Normal = 4, High = 20, VeryHigh = 32, Extreme = 40 }
public static string GetMpdecimate (int sensitivity = 4, bool wrap = true)
string mpd = $"mpdecimate=hi=64*1024:lo=64*{sensitivity}:frac=1.0";
return wrap ? mpd.Wrap() : mpd;
public static string GetMpdecimate(bool wrap = true)
int mpdValIndex = Config.GetInt(Config.Key.mpdecimateMode);
var mpdVal = ((MpDecSensitivity[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MpDecSensitivity)))[mpdValIndex];
string mpd = $"mpdecimate=hi=64*1024:lo=64*{(int)mpdVal}:frac=1.0";
return wrap ? mpd.Wrap() : mpd;
public static int GetModulo ()
if (Interpolate.currentSettings.ai.NameInternal == Implementations.flavrCuda.NameInternal)
return 8;
return Interpolate.currentSettings.outSettings.Encoder.GetInfo().Modulo;
public static string GetPadFilter ()
int mod = GetModulo();
if (mod < 2)
return "";
return $"pad=width=ceil(iw/{mod})*{mod}:height=ceil(ih/{mod})*{mod}:color=black@0";
public static async Task ConcatVideos(string concatFile, string outPath, int looptimes = -1, bool showLog = true)
Logger.Log($"ConcatVideos('{Path.GetFileName(concatFile)}', '{outPath}', {looptimes})", true, false, "ffmpeg");
Logger.Log($"Merging videos...", false, Logger.GetLastLine().Contains("frame"));
string loopStr = (looptimes > 0) ? $"-stream_loop {looptimes}" : "";
string vfrFilename = Path.GetFileName(concatFile);
string args = $" {loopStr} -f concat -i {vfrFilename} -fps_mode cfr -c copy -movflags +faststart -fflags +genpts {outPath.Wrap()}";
await RunFfmpeg(args, concatFile.GetParentDir(), LogMode.Hidden);
public static async Task LoopVideo(string inputFile, int times, bool delSrc = false)
string pathNoExt = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFile, null);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(inputFile);
string loopSuffix = Config.Get(Config.Key.exportNamePatternLoop).Replace("[LOOPS]", $"{times}").Replace("[PLAYS]", $"{times + 1}");
string outpath = $"{pathNoExt}{loopSuffix}{ext}";
string args = $" -stream_loop {times} -i {inputFile.Wrap()} -c copy {outpath.Wrap()}";
await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden);
if (delSrc)
public static async Task ChangeSpeed(string inputFile, float newSpeedPercent, bool delSrc = false)
string pathNoExt = Path.ChangeExtension(inputFile, null);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(inputFile);
float val = newSpeedPercent / 100f;
string speedVal = (1f / val).ToString("0.0000").Replace(",", ".");
string args = " -itsscale " + speedVal + " -i \"" + inputFile + "\" -c copy \"" + pathNoExt + "-" + newSpeedPercent + "pcSpeed" + ext + "\"";
await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.OnlyLastLine);
if (delSrc)
public static async Task<long> GetDurationMs(string inputFile)
Logger.Log($"GetDuration({inputFile}) - Reading Duration using ffprobe.", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string args = $"-select_streams v:0 -show_entries format=duration -of csv=s=x:p=0 -sexagesimal {inputFile.Wrap()}";
FfprobeSettings settings = new FfprobeSettings() { Args = args };
string output = await RunFfprobe(settings);
return FormatUtils.TimestampToMs(output);
public static async Task<Fraction> GetFramerate(string inputFile, bool preferFfmpeg = false)
Logger.Log($"GetFramerate(inputFile = '{inputFile}', preferFfmpeg = {preferFfmpeg})", true, false, "ffmpeg");
Fraction ffprobeFps = new Fraction(0, 1);
Fraction ffmpegFps = new Fraction(0, 1);
string ffprobeOutput = await GetVideoInfo.GetFfprobeInfoAsync(inputFile, GetVideoInfo.FfprobeMode.ShowStreams, "r_frame_rate");
string fpsStr = ffprobeOutput.SplitIntoLines().First();
string[] numbers = fpsStr.Split('/');
Logger.Log($"Fractional FPS from ffprobe: {numbers[0]}/{numbers[1]} = {((float)numbers[0].GetInt() / numbers[1].GetInt())}", true, false, "ffmpeg");
ffprobeFps = new Fraction(numbers[0].GetInt(), numbers[1].GetInt());
catch (Exception ffprobeEx)
Logger.Log("GetFramerate ffprobe Error: " + ffprobeEx.Message, true, false);
string ffmpegOutput = await GetVideoInfo.GetFfmpegInfoAsync(inputFile);
string[] entries = ffmpegOutput.Split(',');
foreach (string entry in entries)
if (entry.Contains(" fps") && !entry.Contains("Input ")) // Avoid reading FPS from the filename, in case filename contains "fps"
string num = entry.Replace(" fps", "").Trim().Replace(",", ".");
Logger.Log($"Float FPS from ffmpeg: {num.GetFloat()}", true, false, "ffmpeg");
ffmpegFps = new Fraction(num.GetFloat());
catch(Exception ffmpegEx)
Logger.Log("GetFramerate ffmpeg Error: " + ffmpegEx.Message, true, false);
if (preferFfmpeg)
if (ffmpegFps.GetFloat() > 0)
return ffmpegFps;
return ffprobeFps;
if (ffprobeFps.GetFloat() > 0)
return ffprobeFps;
return ffmpegFps;
public static Size GetSize(string inputFile)
Logger.Log($"GetSize('{inputFile}')", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string args = $" -v panic -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width,height -of csv=s=x:p=0 {inputFile.Wrap()}";
string[] outputLines = GetFfprobeOutput(args).SplitIntoLines();
foreach(string line in outputLines)
if (!line.Contains("x") || line.Trim().Length < 3)
string[] numbers = line.Split('x');
return new Size(numbers[0].GetInt(), numbers[1].GetInt());
return new Size(0, 0);
public static async Task<int> GetFrameCountAsync(string inputFile)
Logger.Log($"GetFrameCountAsync - Trying ffprobe packet counting first (fastest).", true, false, "ffmpeg");
int frames = await ReadFrameCountFfprobePacketCount(inputFile); // Try reading frame count with ffprobe packet counting
if (frames > 0) return frames;
Logger.Log($"GetFrameCountAsync - Trying ffmpeg demuxing.", true, false, "ffmpeg");
frames = await ReadFrameCountFfmpegAsync(inputFile); // Try reading frame count with ffmpeg
if (frames > 0) return frames;
Logger.Log($"GetFrameCountAsync - Trying ffprobe demuxing.", true, false, "ffmpeg");
frames = await ReadFrameCountFfprobe(inputFile); // Try reading frame count with ffprobe decoding
if (frames > 0) return frames;
Logger.Log("Failed to get total frame count of video.", true);
return 0;
static int ReadFrameCountFromDuration(string inputFile, long durationMs, float fps)
float durationSeconds = durationMs / 1000f;
float frameCount = durationSeconds * fps;
int frameCountRounded = frameCount.RoundToInt();
Logger.Log($"ReadFrameCountFromDuration: Got frame count of {frameCount}, rounded to {frameCountRounded}");
return frameCountRounded;
public static async Task<int> ReadFrameCountFfprobePacketCount(string filePath)
FfprobeSettings settings = new FfprobeSettings() { Args = $"-select_streams v:0 -count_packets -show_entries stream=nb_read_packets -of csv=p=0 {filePath.Wrap()}", LoggingMode = LogMode.Hidden, LogLevel = "error" };
string output = await RunFfprobe(settings);
string[] lines = output.SplitIntoLines().Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();
if (lines == null || lines.Length < 1)
return 0;
return lines.Last().GetInt();
public static async Task<int> ReadFrameCountFfprobe(string filePath)
FfprobeSettings s = new FfprobeSettings() { Args = $"-threads 0 -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_frames -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 {filePath.Wrap()}", LoggingMode = LogMode.Hidden, LogLevel = "panic" };
string info = await RunFfprobe(s);
string[] entries = info.SplitIntoLines();
foreach (string entry in entries)
if (entry.Contains("nb_frames="))
return entry.GetInt();
catch { }
return -1;
public static async Task<int> ReadFrameCountFfmpegAsync(string filePath)
string args = $"{filePath.GetConcStr()} -i {filePath.Wrap()} -map 0:v:0 -c copy -f null - ";
string info = await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden, "panic");
string[] lines = info.SplitIntoLines();
string lastLine = lines.Last().ToLowerInvariant();
return lastLine.Substring(0, lastLine.IndexOf("fps")).GetInt();
return -1;
public static async Task<VidExtraData> GetVidExtraInfo(string inputFile)
string ffprobeOutput = await GetVideoInfo.GetFfprobeInfoAsync(inputFile, GetVideoInfo.FfprobeMode.ShowBoth);
VidExtraData data = new VidExtraData(ffprobeOutput);
return data;
public static async Task<bool> IsEncoderCompatible(string enc)
Logger.Log($"IsEncoderCompatible('{enc}')", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string args = $"-loglevel error -f lavfi -i color=black:s=1920x1080 -vframes 1 -c:v {enc} -f null -";
string output = await RunFfmpeg(args, LogMode.Hidden);
return !output.SplitIntoLines().Where(l => !l.Lower().StartsWith("frame") && l.IsNotEmpty()).Any();
public static string GetAudioCodec(string path, int streamIndex = -1)
Logger.Log($"GetAudioCodec('{Path.GetFileName(path)}', {streamIndex})", true, false, "ffmpeg");
string stream = (streamIndex < 0) ? "a" : $"{streamIndex}";
string args = $"-v panic -show_streams -select_streams {stream} -show_entries stream=codec_name {path.Wrap()}";
string info = GetFfprobeOutput(args);
string[] entries = info.SplitIntoLines();
foreach (string entry in entries)
if (entry.Contains("codec_name="))
return entry.Split('=')[1];
return "";
public static List<string> GetAudioCodecs(string path, int streamIndex = -1)
Logger.Log($"GetAudioCodecs('{Path.GetFileName(path)}', {streamIndex})", true, false, "ffmpeg");
List<string> codecNames = new List<string>();
string args = $"-loglevel panic -select_streams a -show_entries stream=codec_name {path.Wrap()}";
string info = GetFfprobeOutput(args);
string[] entries = info.SplitIntoLines();
foreach (string entry in entries)
if (entry.Contains("codec_name="))
return codecNames;
public static void DeleteSource(string path)
Logger.Log("[FFCmds] Deleting input file/dir: " + path, true);
if (IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(path) && Directory.Exists(path))
Directory.Delete(path, true);
if (!IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(path) && File.Exists(path))