
380 lines
15 KiB

using Flowframes.Media;
using Flowframes.Data;
using Flowframes.Forms;
using Flowframes.IO;
using Flowframes.MiscUtils;
using Flowframes.Os;
using Flowframes.Ui;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using I = Flowframes.Interpolate;
using Padding = Flowframes.Data.Padding;
namespace Flowframes.Main
class InterpolateUtils
public static async Task CopyLastFrame(int lastFrameNum)
if (I.canceled) return;
lastFrameNum--; // We have to do this as extracted frames start at 0, not 1
bool frameFolderInput = IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(I.currentSettings.inPath);
string targetPath = Path.Combine(I.currentSettings.framesFolder, lastFrameNum.ToString().PadLeft(Padding.inputFrames, '0') + I.currentSettings.framesExt);
if (File.Exists(targetPath)) return;
Size res = IoUtils.GetImage(IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(I.currentSettings.framesFolder, false).First()).Size;
if (frameFolderInput)
string lastFramePath = IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(I.currentSettings.inPath, false).Last();
await FfmpegExtract.ExtractLastFrame(lastFramePath, targetPath, res);
await FfmpegExtract.ExtractLastFrame(I.currentSettings.inPath, targetPath, res);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log("CopyLastFrame Error: " + e.Message);
public static int GetProgressWaitTime(int numFrames)
float hddMultiplier = !Program.lastInputPathIsSsd ? 2f : 1f;
int waitMs = 200;
if (numFrames > 100)
waitMs = 500;
if (numFrames > 1000)
waitMs = 1000;
if (numFrames > 2500)
waitMs = 1500;
if (numFrames > 5000)
waitMs = 2500;
return (waitMs * hddMultiplier).RoundToInt();
public static string GetTempFolderLoc(string inPath, string outPath)
string basePath = inPath.GetParentDir();
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.tempFolderLoc) == 1)
basePath = outPath.GetParentDir();
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.tempFolderLoc) == 2)
basePath = outPath;
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.tempFolderLoc) == 3)
basePath = Paths.GetExeDir();
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.tempFolderLoc) == 4)
string custPath = Config.Get(Config.Key.tempDirCustom);
if (IoUtils.IsDirValid(custPath))
basePath = custPath;
return Path.Combine(basePath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(inPath).StripBadChars().Remove(" ").Trunc(30, false) + "-temp");
public static bool InputIsValid(InterpSettings s)
bool passes = true;
bool isFile = !IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(s.inPath);
if ((passes && isFile && !IoUtils.IsFileValid(s.inPath)) || (!isFile && !IoUtils.IsDirValid(s.inPath)))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Input path is not valid!");
passes = false;
if (passes && !IoUtils.IsDirValid(s.outPath))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Output path is not valid!");
passes = false;
if (passes && s.tempFolder.StartsWith(@"\\"))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Flowframes does not support UNC/Network paths as a temp folder!\nPlease use a local path instead.");
passes = false;
if (passes && s.outFps.GetFloat() < 1f || s.outFps.GetFloat() > 1000f)
string imgSeqNote = isFile ? "" : "\n\nWhen using an image sequence as input, you always have to specify the frame rate manually.";
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox($"Invalid output frame rate ({s.outFps.GetFloat()}).\nMust be 1-1000.{imgSeqNote}");
passes = false;
string fpsLimitValue = Config.Get(Config.Key.maxFps);
float fpsLimit = (fpsLimitValue.Contains("/") ? new Fraction(Config.Get(Config.Key.maxFps)).GetFloat() : fpsLimitValue.GetFloat());
if (s.outMode == I.OutMode.VidGif && s.outFps.GetFloat() > 50 && !(fpsLimit > 0 && fpsLimit <= 50))
Logger.Log($"Warning: GIF will be encoded at 50 FPS instead of {s.outFps.GetFloat()} as the format doesn't support frame rates that high.");
if (!passes)
I.Cancel("Invalid settings detected.", true);
return passes;
catch(Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Failed to run InputIsValid: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}", true);
return false;
public static bool CheckAiAvailable(AI ai, ModelCollection.ModelInfo model)
if (IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), ai.PkgDir), true) < 1)
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("The selected AI is not installed!", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
I.Cancel("Selected AI not available.", true);
return false;
if (model == null || model.Dir.Trim() == "")
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("No valid AI model has been selected!", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
I.Cancel("No valid model selected.", true);
return false;
if (I.currentSettings.ai.NameInternal.ToUpper().Contains("CUDA") && NvApi.gpuList.Count < 1)
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Warning: No Nvidia GPU was detected. CUDA might fall back to CPU!\n\nTry an NCNN implementation instead if you don't have an Nvidia GPU.", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
if (!Config.GetBool("allowCudaWithoutDetectedGpu", true))
I.Cancel("No CUDA-capable graphics card available.", true);
return false;
return true;
public static bool CheckDeleteOldTempFolder()
if (!IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExists(I.currentSettings.tempFolder))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Failed to remove an existing temp folder of this video!\nMake sure you didn't open any frames in an editor.", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
return false;
return true;
public static void ShowWarnings (float factor, AI ai)
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.cmdDebugMode) > 0)
Logger.Log($"Warning: The CMD window for interpolation is enabled. This will disable Auto-Encode and the progress bar!");
public static bool CheckPathValid(string path)
if (path.StartsWith(@"\\"))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Input path is not valid.\nFlowframes does not support UNC/Network paths.");
return false;
if (IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(path))
if (!IoUtils.IsDirValid(path))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Input directory is not valid.\nMake sure it still exists and hasn't been renamed or moved!");
return false;
if (!IsVideoValid(path))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("Input video file is not valid.\nMake sure it still exists and hasn't been renamed or moved!");
return false;
return true;
public static async Task<bool> CheckEncoderValid (float encodeFps)
string enc = FfmpegUtils.GetEnc(FfmpegUtils.GetCodec(I.currentSettings.outMode));
float maxAv1Fps = 240;
if (enc.ToLower().Contains("av1") && encodeFps > maxAv1Fps)
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox($"The selected encoder only supports up to {maxAv1Fps} FPS!\nPlease use a different encoder or reduce the interpolation factor.", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
return false;
if (enc.ToLower().Contains("nvenc") && !(await FfmpegCommands.IsEncoderCompatible(enc)))
UiUtils.ShowMessageBox("NVENC encoding is not available on your hardware!\nPlease use a different encoder.", UiUtils.MessageType.Error);
return false;
return true;
public static bool IsVideoValid(string videoPath)
if (videoPath == null || !IoUtils.IsFileValid(videoPath))
return false;
return true;
public static async Task<Size> GetOutputResolution(string inputPath, bool print, bool returnZeroIfUnchanged = false)
Size resolution = await GetMediaResolutionCached.GetSizeAsync(inputPath);
return GetOutputResolution(resolution, print, returnZeroIfUnchanged);
public static Size GetOutputResolution(Size inputRes, bool print = false, bool returnZeroIfUnchanged = false)
int maxHeightValue = Config.GetInt(Config.Key.maxVidHeight);
int maxHeight = RoundDivisibleBy(maxHeightValue, FfmpegCommands.GetPadding());
if (inputRes.Height > maxHeight)
float factor = (float)maxHeight / inputRes.Height;
Logger.Log($"Un-rounded downscaled size: {(inputRes.Width * factor).ToString("0.00")}x{maxHeightValue}", true);
int width = RoundDivisibleBy((inputRes.Width * factor).RoundToInt(), FfmpegCommands.GetPadding());
if (print)
Logger.Log($"Video is bigger than the maximum - Downscaling to {width}x{maxHeight}.");
return new Size(width, maxHeight);
if (returnZeroIfUnchanged)
return new Size();
return inputRes;
public static int RoundDivisibleBy(int number, int divisibleBy) // Round to a number that's divisible by 2 (for h264 etc)
int a = (number / divisibleBy) * divisibleBy; // Smaller multiple
int b = a + divisibleBy; // Larger multiple
return (number - a > b - number) ? b : a; // Return of closest of two
public static bool CanUseAutoEnc(bool stepByStep, InterpSettings current)
if (current.ai.Piped)
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: Using piped encoding.", true);
return false;
if (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.cmdDebugMode) > 0)
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: CMD window is shown (cmdDebugMode > 0)", true);
return false;
if(current.outMode == I.OutMode.VidGif)
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: Using GIF output", true);
return false;
if (stepByStep && !Config.GetBool(Config.Key.sbsAllowAutoEnc))
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: Using step-by-step mode, but 'sbsAllowAutoEnc' is false", true);
return false;
if (!stepByStep && Config.GetInt(Config.Key.autoEncMode) == 0)
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: 'autoEncMode' is 0", true);
return false;
int inFrames = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(current.framesFolder, false);
if (inFrames * current.interpFactor < (AutoEncode.chunkSize + AutoEncode.safetyBufferFrames) * 1.2f)
Logger.Log($"Not Using AutoEnc: Input frames ({inFrames}) * factor ({current.interpFactor}) is smaller than (chunkSize ({AutoEncode.chunkSize}) + safetyBufferFrames ({AutoEncode.safetyBufferFrames}) * 1.2f)", true);
return false;
return true;
public static async Task<bool> UseUhd()
return UseUhd(await GetOutputResolution(I.currentSettings.inPath, false));
public static bool UseUhd(Size outputRes)
return outputRes.Height >= Config.GetInt(Config.Key.uhdThresh);
public static void FixConsecutiveSceneFrames(string sceneFramesPath, string sourceFramesPath)
if (!Directory.Exists(sceneFramesPath) || IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(sceneFramesPath, false) < 1)
List<string> sceneFrames = IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(sceneFramesPath).Select(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToList();
List<string> sourceFrames = IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(sourceFramesPath).Select(x => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToList();
List<string> sceneFramesToDelete = new List<string>();
foreach (string scnFrame in sceneFrames)
if (sceneFramesToDelete.Contains(scnFrame))
int sourceIndexForScnFrame = sourceFrames.IndexOf(scnFrame); // Get source index of scene frame
if ((sourceIndexForScnFrame + 1) == sourceFrames.Count)
string followingFrame = sourceFrames[sourceIndexForScnFrame + 1]; // Get filename/timestamp of the next source frame
if (sceneFrames.Contains(followingFrame)) // If next source frame is in scene folder, add to deletion list
foreach (string frame in sceneFramesToDelete)
IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExists(Path.Combine(sceneFramesPath, frame + I.currentSettings.framesExt));
public static int GetRoundedInterpFramesPerInputFrame(float factor, bool roundDown = true)
if (roundDown)
return (int)Math.Floor(factor) - 1;
return factor.RoundToInt();