
286 lines
10 KiB

using Flowframes.Data;
using Flowframes.Main;
using Flowframes.MiscUtils;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Flowframes.IO
class ModelDownloader
public static bool canceled = false;
static string GetMdlUrl (string ai, string relPath)
string custServer = Config.Get(Config.Key.customServer);
string server = custServer.Trim().Length > 3 ? custServer : Servers.GetServer().GetUrl();
string baseUrl = $"{server}/flowframes/mdl/";
return Path.Combine(baseUrl, ai.ToLower(), relPath);
static string GetMdlFileUrl(string ai, string model, string relPath)
return Path.Combine(GetMdlUrl(ai, model), relPath);
static string GetLocalPath(string ai, string model)
return Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), ai, model);
static async Task DownloadTo (string url, string saveDirOrPath, bool log = true, int retries = 3)
canceled = false;
string savePath = saveDirOrPath;
if (IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(saveDirOrPath))
savePath = Path.Combine(saveDirOrPath, Path.GetFileName(url));
Logger.Log($"Downloading '{url}' to '{savePath}'", true);
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
bool completed = false;
int lastProgPercentage = -1;
var client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 200 && args.ProgressPercentage != lastProgPercentage)
lastProgPercentage = args.ProgressPercentage;
Logger.Log($"Downloading model file '{Path.GetFileName(url)}'... {args.ProgressPercentage}%", !log, true);
client.DownloadFileCompleted += (sender, args) =>
if (args.Error != null)
Logger.Log("Download failed: " + args.Error.Message, !log);
completed = true;
client.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, savePath).ConfigureAwait(false);
while (!completed)
if (canceled || Interpolate.canceled)
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds > 6000)
if(retries > 0)
await DownloadTo(url, saveDirOrPath, log, retries--);
Interpolate.Cancel("Model download failed.");
await Task.Delay(500);
Logger.Log($"Downloaded '{Path.GetFileName(url)}' ({IoUtils.GetFilesize(savePath) / 1024} KB)", true);
class ModelFile
public string filename;
public string dir;
public long size;
public string crc32;
static List<ModelFile> GetModelFilesFromJson (string json)
List<ModelFile> modelFiles = new List<ModelFile>();
dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
if (data == null)
return modelFiles;
foreach (var item in data)
string dirString = ((string)item.dir).Replace(@"\", @"/");
if (dirString.Length > 0 && dirString[0] == '/') dirString = dirString.Remove(0, 1);
long sizeLong = long.Parse((string)item.size);
modelFiles.Add(new ModelFile { filename = item.filename, dir = dirString, size = sizeLong, crc32 = item.crc32 });
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"Failed to parse model file list from JSON: {e.Message}", true);
return modelFiles;
public static async Task DownloadModelFiles (AI ai, string modelDir, bool log = true)
string aiDir = ai.PkgDir;
Logger.Log($"DownloadModelFiles(string ai = {ai.NameInternal}, string model = {modelDir}, bool log = {log})", true);
string mdlDir = GetLocalPath(aiDir, modelDir);
if (modelDir.EndsWith("_custom") || await AreFilesValid(aiDir, modelDir))
Logger.Log($"Downloading '{modelDir}' model files...", !log);
await DownloadTo(GetMdlFileUrl(aiDir, modelDir, "files.json"), mdlDir, false);
string jsonPath = Path.Combine(mdlDir, "files.json");
List<ModelFile> modelFiles = GetModelFilesFromJson(File.ReadAllText(jsonPath));
if (!File.Exists(jsonPath) || IoUtils.GetFilesize(jsonPath) < 32)
Interpolate.Cancel($"Error: Failed to download index file. Please try again.");
if (modelFiles.Count < 1)
Interpolate.Cancel($"Error: Can't download model files because no entries were loaded from the index file. Please try again.");
foreach (ModelFile mf in modelFiles)
string relPath = Path.Combine(mf.dir, mf.filename).Replace("\\", "/");
await DownloadTo(GetMdlFileUrl(aiDir, modelDir, relPath), Path.Combine(mdlDir, relPath), log);
Logger.Log($"Downloaded \"{modelDir}\" model files.", !log, true);
if (!(await AreFilesValid(aiDir, modelDir)))
Interpolate.Cancel($"Model files are invalid! Please try again.");
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log($"DownloadModelFiles Error: {e.Message}\nStack Trace:\n{e.StackTrace}", !log);
Interpolate.Cancel($"Error downloading model files: {e.Message}");
public static void DeleteAllModels ()
foreach(string modelFolder in GetAllModelFolders())
string size = FormatUtils.Bytes(IoUtils.GetDirSize(modelFolder, true));
if (IoUtils.TryDeleteIfExists(modelFolder))
Logger.Log($"Deleted cached model '{Path.GetFileName(modelFolder.GetParentDir())}/{Path.GetFileName(modelFolder)}' ({size})");
public static List<string> GetAllModelFolders()
List<string> modelPaths = new List<string>();
foreach (AI ai in Implementations.NetworksAll)
string aiPkgFolder = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), ai.PkgDir);
ModelCollection aiModels = AiModels.GetModels(ai);
foreach(ModelCollection.ModelInfo model in aiModels.Models)
string mdlFolder = Path.Combine(aiPkgFolder, model.Dir);
if (Directory.Exists(mdlFolder))
return modelPaths;
public static async Task<bool> AreFilesValid (string ai, string model)
string mdlDir = GetLocalPath(ai, model);
if (!Directory.Exists(mdlDir))
Logger.Log($"Files for model {model} not valid: {mdlDir} does not exist.", true);
return false;
string md5FilePath = Path.Combine(mdlDir, "files.json");
if (!File.Exists(md5FilePath) || IoUtils.GetFilesize(md5FilePath) < 32)
Logger.Log($"Files for model {model} not valid: {mdlDir} does not exist or is incomplete.", true);
return false;
List<ModelFile> modelFiles = GetModelFilesFromJson(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(mdlDir, "files.json")));
if (modelFiles.Count < 1)
Logger.Log($"Files for model {model} not valid: JSON contains {modelFiles.Count} entries.", true);
return false;
foreach (ModelFile mf in modelFiles)
string filePath = Path.Combine(mdlDir, mf.dir, mf.filename);
long fileSize = IoUtils.GetFilesize(filePath);
if (fileSize != mf.size)
Logger.Log($"Files for model {model} not valid: Filesize of {mf.filename} ({fileSize}) does not equal validation size ({mf.size}).", true);
return false;
if(fileSize > 100 * 1024 * 1024) // Skip hash calculation if file is very large, filesize check should be enough anyway
Logger.Log($"Skipped CRC32 check for {mf.filename} because it's too big ({fileSize / 1024 / 1024} MB)", true);
return true;
string crc = await IoUtils.GetHashAsync(Path.Combine(mdlDir, mf.dir, mf.filename), IoUtils.Hash.CRC32);
if (crc.Trim() != mf.crc32.Trim())
Logger.Log($"Files for model {model} not valid: CRC32 of {mf.filename} ({crc.Trim()}) does not equal validation CRC32 ({mf.crc32.Trim()}).", true);
return false;
return true;
static Dictionary<string, string> GetDict (string[] lines, char sep = ':')
Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string line in lines)
if (line.Length < 3) continue;
string[] keyValuePair = line.Split(':');
dict.Add(keyValuePair[0], keyValuePair[1]);
return dict;