
255 lines
10 KiB

using Flowframes.Media;
using Flowframes.Data;
using Flowframes.IO;
using Flowframes.Main;
using Flowframes.MiscUtils;
using Flowframes.Ui;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Logging;
namespace Flowframes
public class InterpSettings
public string inPath;
public string outPath;
public string FullOutPath { get; set; } = "";
public AI ai;
public Fraction inFps;
public Fraction inFpsDetected;
public Fraction outFps;
public float outItsScale;
public float interpFactor;
public Interpolate.OutMode outMode;
public ModelCollection.ModelInfo model;
public string tempFolder;
public string framesFolder;
public string interpFolder;
public bool inputIsFrames;
private Size _inputResolution;
public Size InputResolution { get { RefreshInputRes(); return _inputResolution; } }
private Size _scaledResolution;
public Size ScaledResolution { get { RefreshOutputRes(); return _scaledResolution; } }
public bool alpha;
public bool stepByStep;
public string framesExt;
public string interpExt;
public InterpSettings() { }
public InterpSettings(string inPathArg, string outPathArg, AI aiArg, Fraction inFpsDetectedArg, Fraction inFpsArg, float interpFactorArg, float itsScale, Interpolate.OutMode outModeArg, ModelCollection.ModelInfo modelArg)
inPath = inPathArg;
outPath = outPathArg;
ai = aiArg;
inFpsDetected = inFpsDetectedArg;
inFps = inFpsArg;
interpFactor = interpFactorArg;
outFps = inFpsArg * (double)interpFactorArg;
outItsScale = itsScale;
outMode = outModeArg;
model = modelArg;
alpha = false;
stepByStep = false;
framesExt = "";
interpExt = "";
tempFolder = InterpolateUtils.GetTempFolderLoc(inPath, outPath);
framesFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.framesDir);
interpFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.interpDir);
inputIsFrames = IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(inPath);
Logger.Log("Tried to create InterpSettings struct without an inpath. Can't set tempFolder, framesFolder and interpFolder.", true);
tempFolder = "";
framesFolder = "";
interpFolder = "";
inputIsFrames = false;
_inputResolution = new Size(0, 0);
_scaledResolution = new Size(0, 0);
public InterpSettings (string serializedData)
inPath = "";
outPath = "";
ai = null;
inFpsDetected = new Fraction();
inFps = new Fraction();
interpFactor = 0;
outFps = new Fraction();
outMode = Interpolate.OutMode.VidMp4;
model = null;
alpha = false;
stepByStep = false;
_inputResolution = new Size(0, 0);
_scaledResolution = new Size(0, 0);
framesExt = "";
interpExt = "";
Dictionary<string, string> entries = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach(string line in serializedData.SplitIntoLines())
if (line.Length < 3) continue;
string[] keyValuePair = line.Split('|');
entries.Add(keyValuePair[0], keyValuePair[1]);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> entry in entries)
switch (entry.Key)
case "INPATH": inPath = entry.Value; break;
case "OUTPATH": outPath = entry.Value; break;
case "AI": ai = Implementations.GetAi(entry.Value); break;
case "INFPSDETECTED": inFpsDetected = new Fraction(entry.Value); break;
case "INFPS": inFps = new Fraction(entry.Value); break;
case "OUTFPS": outFps = new Fraction(entry.Value); break;
case "INTERPFACTOR": interpFactor = float.Parse(entry.Value); break;
case "OUTMODE": outMode = (Interpolate.OutMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(Interpolate.OutMode), entry.Value); break;
case "MODEL": model = AiModels.GetModelByName(ai, entry.Value); break;
case "INPUTRES": _inputResolution = FormatUtils.ParseSize(entry.Value); break;
case "OUTPUTRES": _scaledResolution = FormatUtils.ParseSize(entry.Value); break;
case "ALPHA": alpha = bool.Parse(entry.Value); break;
case "STEPBYSTEP": stepByStep = bool.Parse(entry.Value); break;
case "FRAMESEXT": framesExt = entry.Value; break;
case "INTERPEXT": interpExt = entry.Value; break;
tempFolder = InterpolateUtils.GetTempFolderLoc(inPath, outPath);
framesFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.framesDir);
interpFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.interpDir);
inputIsFrames = IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(inPath);
Logger.Log("Tried to create InterpSettings struct without an inpath. Can't set tempFolder, framesFolder and interpFolder.", true);
tempFolder = "";
framesFolder = "";
interpFolder = "";
inputIsFrames = false;
public void UpdatePaths (string inPathArg, string outPathArg)
inPath = inPathArg;
outPath = outPathArg;
tempFolder = InterpolateUtils.GetTempFolderLoc(inPath, outPath);
framesFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.framesDir);
interpFolder = Path.Combine(tempFolder, Paths.interpDir);
inputIsFrames = IoUtils.IsPathDirectory(inPath);
async Task RefreshInputRes ()
if (_inputResolution.IsEmpty)
_inputResolution = await GetMediaResolutionCached.GetSizeAsync(inPath);
void RefreshOutputRes ()
if (_scaledResolution.IsEmpty)
_scaledResolution = InterpolateUtils.GetOutputResolution(InputResolution, false, true);
public void RefreshAlpha ()
bool alphaModel = model.SupportsAlpha;
bool png = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.ImgPng;
bool gif = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.VidGif;
bool proResAlpha = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.VidProRes && Config.GetInt(Config.Key.proResProfile) > 3;
bool outputSupportsAlpha = png || gif || proResAlpha;
string ext = inputIsFrames ? Path.GetExtension(IoUtils.GetFilesSorted(inPath).First()).ToLower() : Path.GetExtension(inPath).ToLower();
alpha = (alphaModel && outputSupportsAlpha && (ext == ".gif" || ext == ".png" || ext == ".apng" || ext == ".mov"));
Logger.Log($"RefreshAlpha: model.supportsAlpha = {alphaModel} - outputSupportsAlpha = {outputSupportsAlpha} - " +
$"input ext: {ext} => alpha = {alpha}", true);
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log("RefreshAlpha Error: " + e.Message, true);
alpha = false;
public enum FrameType { Import, Interp, Both };
public void RefreshExtensions(FrameType type = FrameType.Both)
bool pngOutput = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.ImgPng;
bool aviHqChroma = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.VidAvi && Config.Get(Config.Key.aviColors) != "yuv420p";
bool proresHqChroma = outMode == Interpolate.OutMode.VidProRes && Config.GetInt(Config.Key.proResProfile) > 3;
bool forceHqChroma = pngOutput || aviHqChroma || proresHqChroma;
Logger.Log($"RefreshExtensions({type}) - alpha = {alpha} pngOutput = {pngOutput} aviHqChroma = {aviHqChroma} proresHqChroma = {proresHqChroma}", true);
if (alpha || forceHqChroma) // Force PNG if alpha is enabled, or output is not 4:2:0 subsampled
if(type == FrameType.Both || type == FrameType.Import)
framesExt = ".png";
if (type == FrameType.Both || type == FrameType.Interp)
interpExt = ".png";
if (type == FrameType.Both || type == FrameType.Import)
framesExt = (Config.GetBool(Config.Key.jpegFrames) ? ".jpg" : ".png");
if (type == FrameType.Both || type == FrameType.Interp)
interpExt = (Config.GetBool(Config.Key.jpegInterp) ? ".jpg" : ".png");
Logger.Log($"RefreshExtensions - Using '{framesExt}' for imported frames, using '{interpExt}' for interpolated frames", true);
public string Serialize ()
string s = $"INPATH|{inPath}\n";
s += $"OUTPATH|{outPath}\n";
s += $"AI|{ai.NameInternal}\n";
s += $"INFPSDETECTED|{inFpsDetected}\n";
s += $"INFPS|{inFps}\n";
s += $"OUTFPS|{outFps}\n";
s += $"INTERPFACTOR|{interpFactor}\n";
s += $"OUTMODE|{outMode}\n";
s += $"MODEL|{model.Name}\n";
s += $"INPUTRES|{InputResolution.Width}x{InputResolution.Height}\n";
s += $"OUTPUTRES|{ScaledResolution.Width}x{ScaledResolution.Height}\n";
s += $"ALPHA|{alpha}\n";
s += $"STEPBYSTEP|{stepByStep}\n";
s += $"FRAMESEXT|{framesExt}\n";
s += $"INTERPEXT|{interpExt}\n";
return s;