Smarter deduplication messages

This commit is contained in:
N00MKRAD 2023-12-21 18:39:52 +01:00
parent 979eca6b50
commit 058820bc8e
2 changed files with 209 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -11,251 +11,253 @@ using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace Flowframes.Magick
class Dedupe
public enum Mode { None, Info, Enabled, Auto }
public static Mode currentMode;
public static float currentThreshold;
class Dedupe
public enum Mode { None, Info, Enabled, Auto }
public static Mode currentMode;
public static float currentThreshold;
public static async Task Run(string path, bool testRun = false, bool setStatus = true)
if (path == null || !Directory.Exists(path) || Interpolate.canceled)
public static async Task Run(string path, bool testRun = false, bool setStatus = true)
if (path == null || !Directory.Exists(path) || Interpolate.canceled)
currentMode = Mode.Auto;
currentMode = Mode.Auto;
if (setStatus)
Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Running frame de-duplication");
if (setStatus)
Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Running frame de-duplication");
currentThreshold = Config.GetFloat(Config.Key.dedupThresh);
Logger.Log("Running accurate frame de-duplication...");
currentThreshold = Config.GetFloat(Config.Key.dedupThresh);
Logger.Log("Running accurate frame de-duplication...");
if (currentMode == Mode.Enabled || currentMode == Mode.Auto)
await RemoveDupeFrames(path, currentThreshold, "*", testRun, false, (currentMode == Mode.Auto));
if (currentMode == Mode.Enabled || currentMode == Mode.Auto)
await RemoveDupeFrames(path, currentThreshold, "*", testRun, false, (currentMode == Mode.Auto));
static MagickImage GetImage(string path)
return new MagickImage(path);
static MagickImage GetImage(string path)
return new MagickImage(path);
public static async Task RemoveDupeFrames(string path, float threshold, string ext, bool testRun = false, bool debugLog = false, bool skipIfNoDupes = false)
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
Logger.Log("Removing duplicate frames - Threshold: " + threshold.ToString("0.00"));
public static async Task RemoveDupeFrames(string path, float threshold, string ext, bool testRun = false, bool debugLog = false, bool skipIfNoDupes = false)
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
Logger.Log("Removing duplicate frames - Threshold: " + threshold.ToString("0.00"));
FileInfo[] framePaths = IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(path, false, "*." + ext);
List<string> framesToDelete = new List<string>();
FileInfo[] framePaths = IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(path, false, "*." + ext);
List<string> framesToDelete = new List<string>();
int statsFramesKept = framePaths.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0; // always keep at least one frame
int statsFramesDeleted = 0;
int statsFramesKept = framePaths.Length > 0 ? 1 : 0; // always keep at least one frame
int statsFramesDeleted = 0;
Mutex mtx_framesToDelete = new Mutex();
Mutex mtx_debugLog = new Mutex();
Task[] workTasks = new Task[Environment.ProcessorCount];
Mutex mtx_framesToDelete = new Mutex();
Mutex mtx_debugLog = new Mutex();
Task[] workTasks = new Task[Environment.ProcessorCount];
bool threadAbort = false;
bool threadAbort = false;
Action<int, int> lamProcessFrames = (indStart, indEnd) =>
MagickImage img1 = null;
MagickImage img2 = null;
Action<int, int> lamProcessFrames = (indStart, indEnd) =>
MagickImage img1 = null;
MagickImage img2 = null;
for (int i = indStart; i < indEnd; i++) // Loop through frames
string frame1_name = framePaths[i].FullName;
for (int i = indStart; i < indEnd; i++) // Loop through frames
string frame1_name = framePaths[i].FullName;
// its likely we carried over an already loaded image from a previous iteration
if(!(img1 != null && img1.FileName == frame1_name))
img1 = GetImage(framePaths[i].FullName);
// its likely we carried over an already loaded image from a previous iteration
if (!(img1 != null && img1.FileName == frame1_name))
img1 = GetImage(framePaths[i].FullName);
if (img1 == null) continue;
if (img1 == null) continue;
for (int j = i + 1; j < framePaths.Length; j++)
if (threadAbort || Interpolate.canceled) return;
for (int j = i + 1; j < framePaths.Length; j++)
if (threadAbort || Interpolate.canceled) return;
//if (j % 3 == 0)
//await Task.Delay(1);
//if (j % 3 == 0)
//await Task.Delay(1);
string frame2_name = framePaths[j].FullName;
string frame2_name = framePaths[j].FullName;
// if we are already extending outside of this thread's range and j is already flagged, then we need to abort
bool isFlaggedForDeletion = false;
isFlaggedForDeletion = framesToDelete.Contains(frame2_name);
if (isFlaggedForDeletion)
if (j >= indEnd)
// if we are already extending outside of this thread's range and j is already flagged, then we need to abort
bool isFlaggedForDeletion = false;
isFlaggedForDeletion = framesToDelete.Contains(frame2_name);
if (isFlaggedForDeletion)
img2 = GetImage(framePaths[j].FullName);
if (img2 == null) continue;
img2 = GetImage(framePaths[j].FullName);
if (img2 == null) continue;
float diff = GetDifference(img1, img2);
float diff = GetDifference(img1, img2);
if (diff < threshold) // Is a duped frame.
if (!testRun)
if (debugLog)
Logger.Log("Deduplication: Deleted " + Path.GetFileName(frame2_name));
if (diff < threshold) // Is a duped frame.
if (!testRun)
if (debugLog)
Logger.Log("Deduplication: Deleted " + Path.GetFileName(frame2_name));
Interlocked.Increment(ref statsFramesDeleted);
Interlocked.Increment(ref statsFramesDeleted);
if (j+1 == framePaths.Length)
if (j + 1 == framePaths.Length)
continue; // test next frame
continue; // test next frame
Interlocked.Increment(ref statsFramesKept);
Interlocked.Increment(ref statsFramesKept);
// this frame is different, stop testing agaisnt 'i'
// all the frames between i and j are dupes, we can skip them
i = j - 1;
// keep the currently loaded in img for the next iteration
img1 = img2;
// this frame is different, stop testing agaisnt 'i'
// all the frames between i and j are dupes, we can skip them
i = j - 1;
// keep the currently loaded in img for the next iteration
img1 = img2;
Action lamUpdateInfoBox = () =>
int framesProcessed = statsFramesKept + statsFramesDeleted;
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Running de-duplication ({framesProcessed}/{framePaths.Length}), deleted {statsFramesDeleted} ({(((float)statsFramesDeleted / framePaths.Length) * 100f).ToString("0")}%) duplicate frames so far...", false, true);
Program.mainForm.SetProgress((int)Math.Round(((float)framesProcessed / framePaths.Length) * 100f));
Action lamUpdateInfoBox = () =>
int framesProcessed = statsFramesKept + statsFramesDeleted;
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Running de-duplication ({framesProcessed}/{framePaths.Length}), deleted {statsFramesDeleted} ({(((float)statsFramesDeleted / framePaths.Length) * 100f).ToString("0")}%) duplicate frames so far...", false, true);
Program.mainForm.SetProgress((int)Math.Round(((float)framesProcessed / framePaths.Length) * 100f));
// start the worker threads
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
int chunkSize = framePaths.Length / workTasks.Length;
int indStart = chunkSize * i;
int indEnd = indStart + chunkSize;
if (i + 1 == workTasks.Length) indEnd = framePaths.Length;
// start the worker threads
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
int chunkSize = framePaths.Length / workTasks.Length;
int indStart = chunkSize * i;
int indEnd = indStart + chunkSize;
if (i + 1 == workTasks.Length) indEnd = framePaths.Length;
workTasks[i] = Task.Run(() => lamProcessFrames(indStart, indEnd));
// wait for all the worker threads to finish and update the info box
while (!Interpolate.canceled)
await Task.Delay(5);
bool anyThreadStillWorking = false;
// wait for the threads to finish
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
if (!workTasks[i].IsCompleted) anyThreadStillWorking = true;
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 250 || !anyThreadStillWorking) // Print every 0.25s (or when done)
if (!anyThreadStillWorking) break;
threadAbort = true;
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
await workTasks[i];
// int oldIndex = -1; // TODO: Compare with 1st to fix loops?
// if (i >= framePaths.Length) // If this is the last frame, compare with 1st to avoid OutOfRange error
// {
// oldIndex = i;
// i = 0;
// }
foreach (string frame in framesToDelete)
string testStr = testRun ? " [TestRun]" : "";
if (Interpolate.canceled) return;
int framesLeft = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(path, false, "*" + Interpolate.currentSettings.framesExt);
int framesDeleted = framePaths.Length - framesLeft;
float percentDeleted = ((float)framesDeleted / framePaths.Length) * 100f;
string keptPercent = $"{(100f - percentDeleted).ToString("0.0")}%";
Logger.Log($"[Deduplication]{testStr} Done. Kept {framesLeft} ({keptPercent}) frames, deleted {framesDeleted} frames.", false, true);
if (statsFramesKept <= 0)
Interpolate.Cancel("No frames were left after de-duplication!\n\nTry decreasing the de-duplication threshold.");
workTasks[i] = Task.Run(() => lamProcessFrames(indStart, indEnd));
// Interpolate.InterpProgressMultiplier = (framePaths.Length / (float)framesLeft);
// wait for all the worker threads to finish and update the info box
while (!Interpolate.canceled)
await Task.Delay(5);
bool anyThreadStillWorking = false;
// wait for the threads to finish
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
if (!workTasks[i].IsCompleted) anyThreadStillWorking = true;
if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 250 || !anyThreadStillWorking) // Print every 0.25s (or when done)
if (!anyThreadStillWorking) break;
threadAbort = true;
for (int i = 0; i < workTasks.Length; i++)
await workTasks[i];
// int oldIndex = -1; // TODO: Compare with 1st to fix loops?
// if (i >= framePaths.Length) // If this is the last frame, compare with 1st to avoid OutOfRange error
// {
// oldIndex = i;
// i = 0;
// }
foreach (string frame in framesToDelete)
string testStr = testRun ? "[TESTRUN] " : "";
if (Interpolate.canceled) return;
int framesLeft = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(path, false, "*" + Interpolate.currentSettings.framesExt);
int framesDeleted = framePaths.Length - framesLeft;
float percentDeleted = ((float)framesDeleted / framePaths.Length) * 100f;
string keptPercent = $"{(100f - percentDeleted).ToString("0.0")}%";
if (framesDeleted <= 0)
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: No duplicate frames detected on this video.", false, true);
else if (statsFramesKept <= 0)
Interpolate.Cancel("No frames were left after de-duplication!\n\nTry lowering the de-duplication threshold.");
Logger.Log($"{testStr}Deduplication: Kept {framesLeft} ({keptPercent}) frames, deleted {framesDeleted} frames.", false, true);
static float GetDifference(MagickImage img1, MagickImage img2)
double err = img1.Compare(img2, ErrorMetric.Fuzz);
float errPercent = (float)err * 100f;
return errPercent;
static float GetDifference(MagickImage img1, MagickImage img2)
double err = img1.Compare(img2, ErrorMetric.Fuzz);
float errPercent = (float)err * 100f;
return errPercent;
static float GetDifference(string img1Path, string img2Path)
return GetDifference(GetImage(img1Path), GetImage(img2Path));
static float GetDifference(string img1Path, string img2Path)
return GetDifference(GetImage(img1Path), GetImage(img2Path));
public static async Task CreateDupesFile(string framesPath, int lastFrameNum, string ext)
bool debug = Config.GetBool("dupeScanDebug", false);
public static async Task CreateDupesFile(string framesPath, int lastFrameNum, string ext)
bool debug = Config.GetBool("dupeScanDebug", false);
FileInfo[] frameFiles = IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(framesPath, false, "*" + ext);
FileInfo[] frameFiles = IoUtils.GetFileInfosSorted(framesPath, false, "*" + ext);
if (debug)
Logger.Log($"Running CreateDupesFile for '{framesPath}' ({frameFiles.Length} files), lastFrameNum = {lastFrameNum}, ext = {ext}.", true, false, "dupes");
if (debug)
Logger.Log($"Running CreateDupesFile for '{framesPath}' ({frameFiles.Length} files), lastFrameNum = {lastFrameNum}, ext = {ext}.", true, false, "dupes");
Dictionary<string, List<string>> frames = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
Dictionary<string, List<string>> frames = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
for (int i = 0; i < frameFiles.Length; i++)
bool isLastItem = (i + 1) == frameFiles.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < frameFiles.Length; i++)
bool isLastItem = (i + 1) == frameFiles.Length;
String fnameCur = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frameFiles[i].Name);
int frameNumCur = fnameCur.GetInt();
String fnameCur = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frameFiles[i].Name);
int frameNumCur = fnameCur.GetInt();
frames[fnameCur] = new List<string>();
frames[fnameCur] = new List<string>();
String fnameNext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frameFiles[i + 1].Name);
int frameNumNext = fnameNext.GetInt();
if (!isLastItem)
String fnameNext = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(frameFiles[i + 1].Name);
int frameNumNext = fnameNext.GetInt();
for(int j = frameNumCur + 1; j < frameNumNext; j++)
for (int j = frameNumCur + 1; j < frameNumNext; j++)
frames[fnameCur].Add(j.ToString().PadLeft(9, '0'));
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(framesPath.GetParentDir(), "dupes.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(frames, Formatting.Indented));
File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(framesPath.GetParentDir(), "dupes.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(frames, Formatting.Indented));

View File

@ -146,12 +146,13 @@ namespace Flowframes
float percentDeleted = ((float)framesDeleted / currentMediaFile.FrameCount) * 100f;
string keptPercent = $"{(100f - percentDeleted).ToString("0.0")}%";
if (QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled)
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Kept {framesLeft} frames.");
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Kept {framesLeft} ({keptPercent}) frames, deleted {framesDeleted} frames.");
// InterpProgressMultiplier = (currentMediaFile.FrameCount / (float)framesLeft);
if (framesDeleted > 0)
if (QuickSettingsTab.trimEnabled)
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Kept {framesLeft} frames.");
Logger.Log($"Deduplication: Kept {framesLeft} ({keptPercent}) frames, deleted {framesDeleted} frames.");
if (!Config.GetBool("allowConsecutiveSceneChanges", true))