116 lines
3.0 KiB

- hd: hd/nyanparrot.gif
name: Nyan Parrot
- gif: oriolesparrot.gif
name: Orioles Parrot
tip: This parrot loves the orioles so much he turned into one!
- hd: hd/capsparrot.gif
name: Capitals Parrot
tip: C! A! P! S! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS!!.
- hd: hd/partyfieri.gif
name: Party Guy Fieri
tip: One way ticket to flavor town!
- hd: hd/witnessprotectionparrot.gif
name: Witness Protection Parrot
tip: I wonder who this guy is?
- hd: hd/party-wizard.gif
name: Party Wizard
- gif: partyowl.gif
name: Party Owl
- hd: hd/parrotpoop.gif
name: Parrot Poop
tip: Contains parrot DNA.
- gif: catparrot.gif
name: Cat Parrot
tip: Dont be confused by its meows.
- hd: hd/trollparrot.gif
name: Troll Parrot
tip: Party?
- hd: hd/dogeparrot.gif
name: Doge Parrot
tip: Wow. Such party.
- gif: congadoge.gif
name: Conga Doge
tip: Very conga. Much line.
- hd: hd/partygopher.gif
name: Party Gopher
- hd: hd/stubparrot.gif
name: Stub Parrot
tip: // TODO
- hd: hd/party-k8s.gif
name: Party Kubernetes
tip: Party Borg would have been better :(
- hd: hd/partycage.gif
name: Party Cage
- hd: hd/batparrot.gif
name: Bat Parrot
- hd: hd/partysloth.gif
name: Party Sloth
- hd: hd/partyblob.gif
name: Party Blob
- hd: hd/partygritty.gif
name: Party Gritty
- hd: hd/cryingjordanparrot.gif
name: Crying Jordan Parrot
- hd: hd/partykeanu.gif
name: Party Keanu
- hd: hd/partygeeko.gif
name: Party Geeko
tip: the Geeko insists, too
- hd: hd/bugparrot.gif
name: Party BUg
tip: It's not a bug, it's a feature
- hd: hd/partyblobcat.gif
name: Party Blob Cat
- gif: cursedparrot.gif
name: Cursed Parrot
- hd: hd/partyannoyedbird.gif
name: Party Annoyed Bird
tip: When you're annoyed but it's party time
- hd: hd/preetjusticeparrot.gif
name: Preet Justice Parrot
tip: Doin' Justice
- hd: hd/partywumpus.gif
name: Party Wumpus Parrot
- hd: hd/thisisfineparrot.gif
name: This is Fine Parrot
- gif: threadparrot.gif
name: Thread Parrot
tip: Ctrl + Shift + \\, 'Threa... FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU
- gif: thegrokeparrot.gif
name: The Groke Parrot
- hd: hd/partygfm.gif
name: Party GFM
tip: The best Catherine streamer there is
- hd: hd/partyfsjal.gif
name: Party fsjal
- hd: hd/vibepartycat.gif
name: Vibe Party Cat
- hd: hd/partypicard.gif
name: Party Picard
tip: Make it so!
- hd: partyrocket.gif
name: Party Rocket
tip: For successful launch!
- hd: hd/discoduck.gif
name: Disco Duck
tip: For when your coworker misremembers the name of the party parrot
- hd: hd/partymoogle.gif
name: Party Moogle
tip: Partying since 1990, kupo!
- hd: hd/gumiparrot.gif
name: Party Gumi
tip: wuewuewuewue
- gif: haroldparrot.gif
name: Harold Parrot
tip: Harold hiding pain parrot. Who knows if he like it
- gif: minionparrot.gif
name: Minion Parrot
tip: I've created a monstrosity
- hd: hd/partytux.gif
name: Party Tux
tip: more than 30 years of partying!
- hd: hd/old-man-yells-at-parrot.gif
name: Old man yells at parrot
tip: whole lotta yelling