diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 294ed149..fd5db0c8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -626,6 +626,7 @@ See https://github.com/n1trux/awesome-sysadmin#distributed-filesystems
   * [0hh1](https://github.com/Q42/0hh1) - A lovely little logic game by Q42. ([Demo](http://0hh1.com/)) `MIT` `HTML5`
   * [A Dark Room](https://github.com/doublespeakgames/adarkroom) - A minimalist text adventure game for your browser. ([Demo](http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/)) `MPLv2` `HTML5`
   * [Agar.IO Clone](https://github.com/huytd/agar.io-clone) - Agar.io clone written with Socket.IO and HTML5 canvas. `MIT` `Nodejs`
+ * [battlecraft](https://github.com/jbreindel/battlecraft) - A fully distributed multiplayer browser game. ([Demo](http://battlecraft.online)) `apache v2` `erlang/otp`
   * [Clumsy Bird](https://github.com/ellisonleao/clumsy-bird) - A MelonJS port of the famous Flappy Bird Game. ([Demo](http://www.ellison.rocks/clumsy-bird/)) `MIT` `Nodejs`
   * [Cubiks-2048](https://github.com/Kshitij-Banerjee/Cubiks-2048) - Clone of 2048 game in 3D. ([Demo](https://kshitij-banerjee.github.io/Cubiks-2048/)) `CCBYNCv4` `HTML5`
   * [Hextris](https://github.com/Hextris/hextris) - Fast paced HTML5 puzzle game inspired by Tetris. ([Demo](http://hextris.io/)) `GPLv3` `HTML5`