diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4a42793e..4f7135b0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ See [Contributing](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md).
   - [Software Development - IDE & Tools](#software-development---ide--tools)
   - [Software Development - Localization](#software-development---localization)
   - [Software Development - Project Management](#software-development---project-management)
-  - [Software Development - UX Testing](#software-development---ux-testing)
+  - [Software Development - Testing](#software-development---testing)
   - [Static Site Generators](#static-site-generators)
   - [Status / Uptime pages](#status--uptime-pages)
   - [Task Management & To-do Lists](#task-management--to-do-lists)
@@ -1760,13 +1760,14 @@ _See also: [awesome-sysadmin/Code Review](https://github.com/awesome-foss/awesom
 - [ZenTao](https://www.zentao.pm/) - An agile(scrum) project management system/tool. ([Demo](https://demo.zentao.pm/user-login.html), [Source Code](https://github.com/easysoft/zentaopms)) `ZPL-1.2` `PHP`
-### Software Development - UX Testing
+### Software Development - Testing
 **[`^        back to top        ^`](#)**
 - [DeepfakeHTTP](https://github.com/xnbox/DeepfakeHTTP) - A web server that uses HTTP dumps as a source for responses. `MIT` `Java`
 - [Selenoid](https://aerokube.com/selenoid/latest/) - Lightweight Selenium hub implementation launching browsers within Docker containers. ([Source Code](https://github.com/aerokube/selenoid)) `Apache-2.0` `Go`
 - [Sorry Cypress](https://sorry-cypress.dev) - Alternative open-source dashboard for the Cypress browser automation framework, featuring unlimited parallelization, recording and debugging of tests. ([Demo](https://sorry-cypress-demo.herokuapp.com), [Source Code](https://github.com/sorry-cypress/sorry-cypress)) `MIT` `Typescript`
+- [Touca](https://touca.io) - Continuous regression testing for engineering teams. Get feedback when you write code that could break your software. ([Source Code](https://github.com/trytouca/trytouca)) `Apache-2.0` `Docker/Nodejs`
 - [Uier](https://github.com/sjoerdvanderhoorn/Uier) - Codeless or low-code User Experience test editing and management using Selenium to perform testing or UI automation. Uier tends to be a free self hostable alternative to Applitools, Endtest, Ghost Inspector, Usetrace, Screenster and many others. `Apache-2.0` `Nodejs`