diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b8f2ac01..88fe4eb7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ See also [Static Site Generators](#static-site-generators) and  [Content Managem
 ### Email
   * [Cypht](http://cypht.org/index.html) - A feed reader for your email accounts - `GPL` 
-  * [Mail-in-a-Box](https://mailinabox.email/) - Turns any Ubuntu server into a fully functional and secure mail server with one command.
   * [mailcow](https://github.com/andryyy/mailcow) - Mail server suite based on Dovecot, Postfix and other open source software, that provides a modern Web UI for administration. `GPL`
   * [RainLoop](http://www.rainloop.net/) - Simple, modern & fast web-based email client. ([Demo](http://demo.rainloop.net/), [Source code](https://github.com/RainLoop/rainloop-webmail)). `AGPLv3` `PHP`
   * [Roundcube](https://roundcube.net) - A web interface to act as an IMAP frontend ([Screenshots](https://roundcube.net/screens/)) ([Source code](https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/)) `GPLv3` `PHP`
@@ -519,6 +518,7 @@ See [staticsitegenerators.net](https://staticsitegenerators.net) and [staticgen.
 ## Self-hosting Solutions
   * [arkOS](https://arkos.io/) - Install arkOS to a dedicated device and host your own websites, email, files and more. ([Source code](https://git.coderouge.co/groups/arkOS) [[1]](https://github.com/cznweb)) `MIT/GPL` `Nodejs/Other`
+  * [Mail-in-a-Box](https://mailinabox.email/) - Turns any Ubuntu server into a fully functional mail server with one command. `Shell/Other` `CC0`
   * [Sandstorm](https://sandstorm.io/) - Personal server for running self-hosted apps easily and securely. ([Demo](https://demo.sandstorm.io/), [Source code](https://github.com/sandstorm-io/sandstorm)) `Apache` `C++/Other`
   * [sovereign](https://github.com/sovereign/sovereign) -  A set of Ansible playbooks to build and maintain your own private cloud: email, calendar, contacts, file sync, IRC bouncer, VPN, and more. `GPLv3` `YAML/Other`
   * [yunohost](https://yunohost.org/) - a server operating system aiming to make self-hosting accessible to everyone. ([Source code](https://github.com/YunoHost)) - `AGPL` `Python/Other`