/* * The Peacock Project - a HITMAN server replacement. * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Peacock Project Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import * as configSwizzleManager from "./configSwizzleManager" import * as controller from "./controller" import * as databaseHandler from "./databaseHandler" import * as discordRp from "./discordRp" import * as entitlementStrategies from "./entitlementStrategies" import * as eventHandler from "./eventHandler" import * as evergreen from "./evergreen" import * as flags from "./flags" import * as hooksImpl from "./hooksImpl" import * as hotReloadService from "./hotReloadService" import * as inventory from "./inventory" import * as loadouts from "./loadouts" import * as loggingInterop from "./loggingInterop" import * as menuData from "./menuData" import * as oauthToken from "./oauthToken" import * as officialServerAuth from "./officialServerAuth" import * as ownership from "./ownership" import * as platformEntitlements from "./platformEntitlements" import * as playStyles from "./playStyles" import * as profileHandler from "./profileHandler" import * as scoreHandler from "./scoreHandler" import * as sessionSerialization from "./sessionSerialization" import * as smfSupport from "./smfSupport" import * as utils from "./utils" import * as webFeatures from "./webFeatures" import * as legacyContractHandler from "./2016/legacyContractHandler" import * as legacyEventRouter from "./2016/legacyEventRouter" import * as legacyMenuData from "./2016/legacyMenuData" import * as legacyMenuSystem from "./2016/legacyMenuSystem" import * as legacyProfileRouter from "./2016/legacyProfileRouter" import * as challengeHelpers from "./candle/challengeHelpers" import * as challengeService from "./candle/challengeService" import * as masteryService from "./candle/masteryService" import * as progressionService from "./candle/progressionService" import * as contractRouting from "./contracts/contractRouting" import * as contractsModeRouting from "./contracts/contractsModeRouting" import * as dataGen from "./contracts/dataGen" import * as elusiveTargetArcades from "./contracts/elusiveTargetArcades" import * as elusiveTargets from "./contracts/elusiveTargets" import * as hitsCategoryService from "./contracts/hitsCategoryService" import * as missionsInLocation from "./contracts/missionsInLocation" import * as reportRouting from "./contracts/reportRouting" import * as client from "./discord/client" import * as ipc from "./discord/ipc" import * as liveSplitClient from "./livesplit/liveSplitClient" import * as liveSplitManager from "./livesplit/liveSplitManager" import * as campaigns from "./menus/campaigns" import * as destinations from "./menus/destinations" import * as favoriteContracts from "./menus/favoriteContracts" import * as imageHandler from "./menus/imageHandler" import * as menuSystem from "./menus/menuSystem" import * as planning from "./menus/planning" import * as playnext from "./menus/playnext" import * as sniper from "./menus/sniper" import * as multiplayerMenuData from "./multiplayer/multiplayerMenuData" import * as multiplayerService from "./multiplayer/multiplayerService" import * as multiplayerUtils from "./multiplayer/multiplayerUtils" import * as contextListeners from "./statemachines/contextListeners" import * as contractCreation from "./statemachines/contractCreation" import * as challenges from "./types/challenges" import * as events from "./types/events" import * as gameSchemas from "./types/gameSchemas" import * as livesplit from "./types/livesplit" import * as mastery from "./types/mastery" import * as score from "./types/score" import * as scoring from "./types/scoring" import * as types from "./types/types" import * as escalationService from "./contracts/escalations/escalationService" export default { "@peacockproject/core/configSwizzleManager": { __esModule: true, ...configSwizzleManager, }, "@peacockproject/core/controller": { __esModule: true, ...controller }, "@peacockproject/core/databaseHandler": { __esModule: true, ...databaseHandler, }, "@peacockproject/core/discordRp": { __esModule: true, ...discordRp }, "@peacockproject/core/entitlementStrategies": { __esModule: true, ...entitlementStrategies, }, "@peacockproject/core/eventHandler": { __esModule: true, ...eventHandler }, "@peacockproject/core/evergreen": { __esModule: true, ...evergreen }, "@peacockproject/core/flags": { __esModule: true, ...flags }, "@peacockproject/core/hooksImpl": { __esModule: true, ...hooksImpl }, "@peacockproject/core/hotReloadService": { __esModule: true, ...hotReloadService, }, "@peacockproject/core/inventory": { __esModule: true, ...inventory }, "@peacockproject/core/loadouts": { __esModule: true, ...loadouts }, "@peacockproject/core/loggingInterop": { __esModule: true, ...loggingInterop, }, "@peacockproject/core/menuData": { __esModule: true, ...menuData }, "@peacockproject/core/oauthToken": { __esModule: true, ...oauthToken }, "@peacockproject/core/officialServerAuth": { __esModule: true, ...officialServerAuth, }, "@peacockproject/core/ownership": { __esModule: true, ...ownership }, "@peacockproject/core/platformEntitlements": { __esModule: true, ...platformEntitlements, }, "@peacockproject/core/playStyles": { __esModule: true, ...playStyles }, "@peacockproject/core/profileHandler": { __esModule: true, ...profileHandler, }, "@peacockproject/core/scoreHandler": { __esModule: true, ...scoreHandler }, "@peacockproject/core/sessionSerialization": { __esModule: true, ...sessionSerialization, }, "@peacockproject/core/smfSupport": { __esModule: true, ...smfSupport }, "@peacockproject/core/utils": { __esModule: true, ...utils }, "@peacockproject/core/webFeatures": { __esModule: true, ...webFeatures }, "@peacockproject/core/2016/legacyContractHandler": { __esModule: true, ...legacyContractHandler, }, "@peacockproject/core/2016/legacyEventRouter": { __esModule: true, ...legacyEventRouter, }, "@peacockproject/core/2016/legacyMenuData": { __esModule: true, ...legacyMenuData, }, "@peacockproject/core/2016/legacyMenuSystem": { __esModule: true, ...legacyMenuSystem, }, "@peacockproject/core/2016/legacyProfileRouter": { __esModule: true, ...legacyProfileRouter, }, "@peacockproject/core/candle/challengeHelpers": { __esModule: true, ...challengeHelpers, }, "@peacockproject/core/candle/challengeService": { __esModule: true, ...challengeService, }, "@peacockproject/core/candle/masteryService": { __esModule: true, ...masteryService, }, "@peacockproject/core/candle/progressionService": { __esModule: true, ...progressionService, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/contractRouting": { __esModule: true, ...contractRouting, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/contractsModeRouting": { __esModule: true, ...contractsModeRouting, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/dataGen": { __esModule: true, ...dataGen }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/elusiveTargetArcades": { __esModule: true, ...elusiveTargetArcades, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/elusiveTargets": { __esModule: true, ...elusiveTargets, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/hitsCategoryService": { __esModule: true, ...hitsCategoryService, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/missionsInLocation": { __esModule: true, ...missionsInLocation, }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/reportRouting": { __esModule: true, ...reportRouting, }, "@peacockproject/core/discord/client": { __esModule: true, ...client }, "@peacockproject/core/discord/ipc": { __esModule: true, ...ipc }, "@peacockproject/core/livesplit/liveSplitClient": { __esModule: true, ...liveSplitClient, }, "@peacockproject/core/livesplit/liveSplitManager": { __esModule: true, ...liveSplitManager, }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/campaigns": { __esModule: true, ...campaigns }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/destinations": { __esModule: true, ...destinations, }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/favoriteContracts": { __esModule: true, ...favoriteContracts, }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/imageHandler": { __esModule: true, ...imageHandler, }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/menuSystem": { __esModule: true, ...menuSystem, }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/planning": { __esModule: true, ...planning }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/playnext": { __esModule: true, ...playnext }, "@peacockproject/core/menus/sniper": { __esModule: true, ...sniper }, "@peacockproject/core/multiplayer/multiplayerMenuData": { __esModule: true, ...multiplayerMenuData, }, "@peacockproject/core/multiplayer/multiplayerService": { __esModule: true, ...multiplayerService, }, "@peacockproject/core/multiplayer/multiplayerUtils": { __esModule: true, ...multiplayerUtils, }, "@peacockproject/core/statemachines/contextListeners": { __esModule: true, ...contextListeners, }, "@peacockproject/core/statemachines/contractCreation": { __esModule: true, ...contractCreation, }, "@peacockproject/core/types/challenges": { __esModule: true, ...challenges, }, "@peacockproject/core/types/events": { __esModule: true, ...events }, "@peacockproject/core/types/gameSchemas": { __esModule: true, ...gameSchemas, }, "@peacockproject/core/types/livesplit": { __esModule: true, ...livesplit }, "@peacockproject/core/types/mastery": { __esModule: true, ...mastery }, "@peacockproject/core/types/score": { __esModule: true, ...score }, "@peacockproject/core/types/scoring": { __esModule: true, ...scoring }, "@peacockproject/core/types/types": { __esModule: true, ...types }, "@peacockproject/core/contracts/escalations/escalationService": { __esModule: true, ...escalationService, }, }