/* * The Peacock Project - a HITMAN server replacement. * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Peacock Project Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import prompts from "prompts" import { log, LogLevel } from "./loggingInterop" import { readdir, writeFile } from "fs/promises" import { PEACOCKVER, PEACOCKVERSTRING } from "./utils" import { getSwizzleable } from "./configSwizzleManager" import md5File from "md5-file" import { arch, cpus as cpuList, platform, version } from "os" import { Controller, isPlugin } from "./controller" import { getAllFlags } from "./flags" import axios from "axios" import { Stream } from "stream" import { createWriteStream, existsSync, mkdirSync } from "fs" import ProgressBar from "progress" import { resolve as pathResolve } from "path" import picocolors from "picocolors" import { Filename, PortablePath, ppath, xfs } from "@yarnpkg/fslib" import { makeEmptyArchive, ZipFS } from "@yarnpkg/libzip" // NOTE: make sure to update ALL 3 OF THESE VALUES, or things will break!! const IMAGE_PACK_BIN = "https://codeload.github.com/thepeacockproject/ImagePack/zip/b8415da0be992d6a2e7d10cb5d3ccd9aea4f9296" /** * Size of the image pack zip in bytes. */ const IMAGE_PACK_LEN = 117286836 const IMAGE_PACK_BASE_DIR = "ImagePack-b8415da0be992d6a2e7d10cb5d3ccd9aea4f9296" export async function toolsMenu() { const init = await prompts({ name: "actions", message: "Select actions:", type: "select", choices: [ { title: "Export debug info", description: "Export helpful information for the developers.", value: "debug", }, { title: "Download contract from IOI servers", description: "Download a contract from IOI's servers.", value: "download-contract", }, { title: "Download all assets for offline use", description: "Downloads all the files you need to use Peacock fully offline.", value: "download-images", }, ], }) switch (init.actions) { case "debug": await exportDebugInfo() break case "download-images": await downloadImagePack() break case "download-contract": await downloadContract() break default: log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unknown action!") } } async function copyIntoZip(zip: ZipFS, path: string): Promise<void> { await zip.copyPromise(zip.resolve(path as Filename), ppath.resolve(path), { stableTime: true, stableSort: true, baseFs: xfs, }) } async function exportDebugInfo(): Promise<void> { const cpus = cpuList().map((cpu, index) => ({ core: index + 1, ...cpu, })) const files = await readdir(process.cwd()) const plugins = await Promise.allSettled( [ ...files.filter((file) => isPlugin(file, "js")), ...files.filter((file) => isPlugin(file, "cjs")), ].map(async (plugin) => { return `${plugin} (${await md5File(plugin)})` }), ) const data = { version: PEACOCKVERSTRING, ident: PEACOCKVER, presentConfigs: getSwizzleable(), chunkDigest: await md5File("chunk0.js"), patcherDigest: await md5File("PeacockPatcher.exe"), runtimeVersions: process.versions, os: `${platform()} (${arch()}) - Release: ${version()}`, cpus, plugins, flags: getAllFlags(), } const debugJson = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4) const zipFile = ppath.resolve(ppath.cwd(), "DEBUG_PROFILE.zip") // we'll start by creating an empty zip file await writeFile(zipFile, makeEmptyArchive()) const zip = new ZipFS(zipFile, { create: true }) await zip.writeFilePromise(zip.resolve("meta.json" as Filename), debugJson) await copyIntoZip(zip, "logs") await copyIntoZip(zip, "userdata") await copyIntoZip(zip, "contractSessions") await copyIntoZip(zip, "contracts") zip.saveAndClose() log( LogLevel.INFO, "Successfully outputted debugging data to DEBUG_PROFILE.zip!", ) } async function downloadContract(): Promise<void> { log(LogLevel.INFO, "Contract downloading tool - powered by HITMAPS") log( LogLevel.INFO, "NOTE: This tool only works for HITMAN 3 contracts that are on Stadia, Steam, Epic, or PlayStation.", ) const { contractId } = await prompts({ type: "text", name: "contractId", message: "Enter the contract ID (with dashes)", }) const result = await Controller._hitmapsFetchContract(contractId) if (!result) { log( LogLevel.ERROR, `Unable to resolve ${contractId}. This may be because HITMAPS' bot is not authenticated, or the contract was not found.`, ) return } result.Metadata.CreatorUserId = "fadb923c-e6bb-4283-a537-eb4d1150262e" if (!existsSync("contracts")) { mkdirSync("contracts") } await writeFile( `contracts/${contractId}.json`, JSON.stringify(result, undefined, 4), ) log(LogLevel.INFO, "Successfully saved the contract!") } async function downloadImagePack(): Promise<void> { // the code below very likely triggers a memory leak! // the streams might not actually be destroyed properly, but I don't really care, as the process // should end after running this const writer = createWriteStream( pathResolve(__dirname, "offlineassets.zip"), ) const totalLength = IMAGE_PACK_LEN log(LogLevel.INFO, "Starting asset download...") let resp try { // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const resp = await axios.get<Stream>(IMAGE_PACK_BIN, { responseType: "stream", }) } catch (e) { log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unable to complete download due to an error!") throw e } const progressBar = new ProgressBar( `${picocolors.blue("--> Downloading")} [:bar] ${picocolors.magenta( "(:percent)", )}`, { width: 40, complete: "=", incomplete: " ", renderThrottle: 1, total: totalLength, }, ) resp.data.on("data", (chunk) => { progressBar.tick(chunk.length) }) resp.data.pipe(writer) await new Promise<void>((resolve) => { writer.on("finish", resolve) }) log(LogLevel.INFO, "Extracting files...") const zipFS = new ZipFS(ppath.resolve("offlineassets.zip" as Filename), { readOnly: true, }) await xfs.copyPromise( ppath.resolve("images" as PortablePath), `/${IMAGE_PACK_BASE_DIR}/images` as PortablePath, { baseFs: zipFS, overwrite: true, }, ) log(LogLevel.INFO, "Done!") await xfs.unlinkPromise("offlineassets.zip" as Filename) }