/* * The Peacock Project - a HITMAN server replacement. * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Peacock Project Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import type { Response } from "express" import { decode, sign } from "jsonwebtoken" import { extractToken, uuidRegex } from "./utils" import type { GameVersion, RequestWithJwt, UserProfile } from "./types/types" import { getVersionedConfig } from "./configSwizzleManager" import { log, LogLevel } from "./loggingInterop" import { STEAM_NAMESPACE_2018, STEAM_NAMESPACE_2021, } from "./platformEntitlements" import { getExternalUserData, getUserData, loadUserData, writeExternalUserData, writeNewUserData, } from "./databaseHandler" import { OfficialServerAuth, userAuths } from "./officialServerAuth" import { randomUUID } from "crypto" import { clearInventoryFor } from "./inventory" import { EpicH1Strategy, EpicH3Strategy, IOIStrategy, SteamH1Strategy, SteamH2Strategy, SteamScpcStrategy, } from "./entitlementStrategies" export async function handleOauthToken( req: RequestWithJwt, res: Response, ): Promise<void> { const isFrankenstein = req.body.gs === "scpc-prod" const signOptions = { notBefore: -60000, expiresIn: 6000, issuer: "auth.hitman.io", audience: isFrankenstein ? "scpc-prod" : "pc_prod_8", noTimestamp: true, } let external_platform: "steam" | "epic", external_userid: string, external_users_folder: "steamids" | "epicids", external_appid: string if (req.body.grant_type === "external_steam") { if (!/^\d{1,20}$/.test(req.body.steam_userid)) { res.status(400).end() // invalid steam user id return } external_platform = "steam" external_userid = req.body.steam_userid external_users_folder = "steamids" external_appid = req.body.steam_appid } else if (req.body.grant_type === "external_epic") { if (!/^[\da-f]{32}$/.test(req.body.epic_userid)) { res.status(400).end() // invalid epic user id return } const epic_token = decode( req.body.access_token.replace(/^eg1~/, ""), ) as { appid: string app: string } if (!epic_token || !(epic_token.appid || epic_token.app)) { res.status(400).end() // invalid epic access token return } external_appid = epic_token.appid || epic_token.app external_platform = "epic" external_userid = req.body.epic_userid external_users_folder = "epicids" } else if (req.body.grant_type === "refresh_token") { // send back the token from the request (re-signed so the timestamps update) extractToken(req) // init req.jwt // remove signOptions from existing jwt // ts-expect-error Non-optional, we're reassigning. delete req.jwt.nbf // notBefore // ts-expect-error Non-optional, we're reassigning. delete req.jwt.exp // expiresIn // ts-expect-error Non-optional, we're reassigning. delete req.jwt.iss // issuer // ts-expect-error Non-optional, we're reassigning. delete req.jwt.aud // audience if (!isFrankenstein) { if (userAuths.has(req.jwt.unique_name)) { userAuths .get(req.jwt.unique_name)! ._doRefresh() .then(() => undefined) .catch(() => { log(LogLevel.WARN, "Failed authentication refresh.") userAuths.get(req.jwt.unique_name)!.initialized = false }) } } res.json({ access_token: sign(req.jwt, "secret", signOptions), token_type: "bearer", expires_in: 5000, refresh_token: randomUUID(), }) return } else { res.status(406).end() // unsupported auth method return } if (req.body.pId && !uuidRegex.test(req.body.pId)) { res.status(400).end() // pId is not a GUID return } const isHitman3 = external_appid === "fghi4567xQOCheZIin0pazB47qGUvZw4" || external_appid === STEAM_NAMESPACE_2021 const gameVersion: GameVersion = isFrankenstein ? "scpc" : isHitman3 ? "h3" : external_appid === STEAM_NAMESPACE_2018 ? "h2" : "h1" if (!req.body.pId) { // if no profile id supplied try { req.body.pId = ( await getExternalUserData( external_userid, external_users_folder, gameVersion, ) ).toString() } catch (e) { req.body.pId = randomUUID() await writeExternalUserData( external_userid, external_users_folder, req.body.pId, gameVersion, ) } } else { // if a profile id is supplied getExternalUserData(external_userid, external_users_folder, gameVersion) .then(() => null) .catch(async () => { // external id is not yet linked to this profile await writeExternalUserData( external_userid, external_users_folder, req.body.pId, gameVersion, ) }) } try { await loadUserData(req.body.pId, gameVersion) } catch (e) { log(LogLevel.DEBUG, "Unable to load profile information.") } /* Never store user auth for scpc Always store user auth for H1 & H2 If on steam or using legacy contract downloader, then store user auth for H3 */ if (!isFrankenstein) { const authContainer = new OfficialServerAuth( gameVersion, req.body.access_token, ) log(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Setting up container with ID ${req.body.pId}.`) userAuths.set(req.body.pId, authContainer) await authContainer._initiallyAuthenticate(req) } let userData = getUserData(req.body.pId, gameVersion) if (userData === undefined) { // User does not exist, create new profile from default: log(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Create new profile ${req.body.pId}`) userData = getVersionedConfig( "UserDefault", gameVersion, true, ) as UserProfile userData.Id = req.body.pId userData.LinkedAccounts[external_platform] = external_userid if (external_platform === "steam") { userData.SteamId = req.body.steam_userid } else if (external_platform === "epic") { userData.EpicId = req.body.epic_userid } if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( userData.Extensions, "inventory", ) ) { // @ts-expect-error No longer in the typedefs. delete userData.Extensions.inventory } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations async function getEntitlements(): Promise<string[]> { if (isFrankenstein) { return new SteamScpcStrategy().get() } if (gameVersion === "h1") { if (external_platform === "steam") { return new SteamH1Strategy().get() } else if (external_platform === "epic") { return new EpicH1Strategy().get() } else { log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unsupported platform.") return [] } } if (gameVersion === "h2") { return new SteamH2Strategy().get() } if (gameVersion === "h3") { if (external_platform === "epic") { return await new EpicH3Strategy().get( req.body.access_token, req.body.epic_userid, ) } else if (external_platform === "steam") { return await new IOIStrategy( gameVersion, STEAM_NAMESPACE_2021, ).get(req.body.pId) } else { log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unsupported platform.") return [] } } log(LogLevel.ERROR, "Unsupported platform.") return [] } const newEntP = await getEntitlements() if (newEntP.length === 0) { if (userData.Extensions.entP) { log( LogLevel.WARN, `Error getting latest entitlement data for user ${req.body.pId}. Recently acquired DLCs might not be displayed!`, ) } else { log( LogLevel.ERROR, `Error getting entitlement data for new user ${req.body.pId}!`, ) userData.Extensions.entP = newEntP writeNewUserData(req.body.pId, userData, gameVersion) } } else { userData.Extensions.entP = newEntP writeNewUserData(req.body.pId, userData, gameVersion) } // Format here follows steam_external, Epic jwt has some different fields const userinfo = { "auth:method": req.body.grant_type, roles: "user", sub: req.body.pId, unique_name: req.body.pId, userid: external_userid, platform: external_platform, locale: req.body.locale, rgn: req.body.rgn, pis: external_appid, cntry: req.body.locale, } clearInventoryFor(req.body.pId) res!.json({ access_token: sign(userinfo, "secret", signOptions), token_type: "bearer", expires_in: 5000, refresh_token: randomUUID(), }) }