/* * The Peacock Project - a HITMAN server replacement. * Copyright (C) 2021-2023 The Peacock Project Team * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ const fs = require("fs") const { execSync } = require("child_process") const rpkgCli = "rpkg-cli.exe" const hmlt = "HMLanguageTools.exe" const locale = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("resources/locale.json").toString()) console.log("Generating locale for H2/H3...") const h3Locale = { hash: "[assembly:/localization/hitman6/conversations/ui/pro/menutext_drp.sweetmenutext].pc_localized-textlist", languages: { xx: { UI_DRP_001: "UI_DRP_001", }, en: locale["english"], fr: locale["french"], it: locale["italian"], de: locale["german"], es: locale["spanish"], ru: locale["russian"], cn: locale["chineseSimplified"], tc: locale["chineseTraditional"], jp: locale["japanese"], }, } const h2Locale = { hash: "[assembly:/localization/hitman6/conversations/ui/pro/menutext_drp.sweetmenutext].pc_localized-textlist", languages: { xx: { UI_DRP_001: "UI_DRP_001", }, en: locale["english"], fr: locale["french"], it: locale["italian"], de: locale["german"], es: locale["spanish"], ru: locale["russian"], mx: locale["spanishMexican"], br: locale["portugueseBrazil"], pl: locale["polish"], cn: locale["chineseSimplified"], jp: locale["japanese"], tc: locale["chineseTraditional"], }, } fs.writeFileSync("resources/locale_h3.json", JSON.stringify(h3Locale, null, 4)) fs.writeFileSync("resources/locale_h2.json", JSON.stringify(h2Locale, null, 4)) h3Locale["hash"] = "[assembly:/localization/hitman6/conversations/ui/pro/online/peacock.sweetmenutext].pc_localized-textlist" fs.writeFileSync( "resources/peacockstrings.locr.json", JSON.stringify(h3Locale, null, 4), ) console.log("Rebuilding JSON to LOCR...") execSync( `${hmlt} rebuild H2 LOCR resources/locale_h2.json resources/dynamic_resources_h2/00962CB9FEA57C86.LOCR --metapath resources/dynamic_resources_h2/00962CB9FEA57C86.LOCR.meta.json`, ) execSync( `${hmlt} rebuild H3 LOCR resources/locale_h3.json resources/dynamic_resources_h3/00962CB9FEA57C86.LOCR --metapath resources/dynamic_resources_h3/00962CB9FEA57C86.LOCR.meta.json`, ) console.log("Generating RPKGs...") execSync( `${rpkgCli} -output_path resources -generate_rpkg_from resources/dynamic_resources_h2`, ) execSync( `${rpkgCli} -output_path resources -generate_rpkg_from resources/dynamic_resources_h3`, ) console.log("Successfully rebuilt dynamic resources!")