env: # don't clone the entire repository history, saves time CIRRUS_CLONE_DEPTH: 1 Patcher_task: # we don't need to tell GitHub if this isn't done skip_notifications: "!changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', '**.{cs,resx,config,settings,ico,csproj,sln}')" # skip if patcher remains unchanged skip: "!changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', '**.{cs,resx,config,settings,ico,csproj,sln}')" windows_container: image: cirrusci/windowsservercore:visualstudio2019 Build_script: - patcher/BuildCI.cmd Patcher_Windows_artifacts: path: patcher/bin/x64/Release/PeacockPatcher.exe type: application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable Patcher_Linux_artifacts: path: patcher/bin/x64/Linux.Release/PeacockPatcher.exe type: application/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable Build_task: container: image: node:18-slim cpu: 4 memory: 4gb Yarn_cache: folder: .yarn/cache Yarn_Populate_script: - yarn Install_System_Dependencies_script: - apt update --yes - apt install zip jq curl --yes Build_Modules_script: - yarn build Optimize_script: - yarn optimize Download_NodeJS_script: - curl https://nodejs.org/dist/$(cat .nvmrc)/node-$(cat .nvmrc)-win-x64.zip -o node.zip - unzip node.zip - mkdir nodedist - cp node-$(cat .nvmrc)-win-x64/node.exe nodedist/node.exe - cp node-$(cat .nvmrc)-win-x64/LICENSE nodedist/LICENSE Assemble_Full_script: - ./packaging/ciAssemble.sh Assemble_Lite_script: - ./packaging/ciAssemble.sh lite Peacock_Release_artifacts: path: Peacock-v*.zip type: application/zip SourceMap_artifacts: path: chunk0.js.map task: container: image: node:18-slim Yarn_cache: folder: .yarn/cache Yarn_Populate_script: - yarn Type_Check_script: - yarn typecheck matrix: - only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG != '' name: Types Publish env: NPM_AUTH_TOKEN: ENCRYPTED[7e0bc6b5e2d4f27aff6a60acf686376ca26abed3334738847a419e4bd8c245490caeddc81d8ce403745516e11604c094] Install_System_Dependencies_script: - apt update --yes - apt install rsync --yes Push_Types_script: - rsync -a --include '*/' --include '*.d.ts' --exclude '*' build/ packaging/typedefs/ - yarn typedefs reversion - yarn typedefs pack - yarn config set npmAuthToken $NPM_AUTH_TOKEN - yarn typedefs npm publish - only_if: $CIRRUS_TAG == '' name: Linting Lint_script: - yarn lint