**LinPEAS is a script that search for possible paths to escalate privileges on Linux/Unix\*/MacOS hosts. The checks are explained on [book.hacktricks.xyz](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/linux-hardening/privilege-escalation)**
Check the **Local Linux Privilege Escalation checklist** from **[book.hacktricks.xyz](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/linux-hardening/linux-privilege-escalation-checklist)**.
If you have a **firmware** and you want to **analyze it with linpeas** to **search for passwords or bad configured permissions** you have 2 main options.
- If you **can emulate** the firmware, just run linpeas inside of it:
cp /path/to/linpeas.sh /mnt/linpeas.sh
chroot /mnt #Supposing you have mounted the firmware FS in /mnt
By default linpeas takes around **4 mins** to complete, but It could take from **5 to 10 minutes** to execute all the checks using **-a** parameter *(Recommended option for CTFs)*:
- Almost 1 min to search for possible passwords inside all the accesible files of the system
- 20s/user bruteforce with top2000 passwords *(need `-a`)* - Notice that this check is **super noisy**
- 1 min to monitor the processes in order to find very frequent cron jobs *(need `-a`)* - Notice that this check will need to **write** some info inside a file that will be deleted
- **-a** (all checks except regex) - This will **execute also the check of processes during 1 min, will search more possible hashes inside files, and brute-force each user using `su` with the top2000 passwords.**
Enumerate and search Privilege Escalation vectors.
This tool enum and search possible misconfigurations (known vulns, user, processes and file permissions, special file permissions, readable/writable files, bruteforce other users(top1000pwds), passwords...) inside the host and highlight possible misconfigurations with colors.
-p <PORT(s)> -d <IP/NETMASK> Discover hosts looking for TCP open ports (via nc). By default ports 22,80,443,445,3389 and another one indicated by you will be scanned (select 22 if you don't want to add more). You can also add a list of ports. Ex: -d -p 53,139
-i <IP> [-p <PORT(s)>] Scan an IP using nc. By default (no -p), top1000 of nmap will be scanned, but you can select a list of ports instead. Ex: -i -p 53,80,443,8000,8080
Notice that if you specify some network scan (options -d/-p/-i but NOT -t), no PE check will be performed
Port forwarding:
-F LOCAL_IP:LOCAL_PORT:REMOTE_IP:REMOTE_PORT Execute linpeas to forward a port from a local IP to a remote IP
Firmware recon:
-f </FOLDER/PATH> Execute linpeas to search passwords/file permissions misconfigs inside a folder
With LinPEAS you can also **discover hosts automatically** using `fping`, `ping` and/or `nc`, and **scan ports** using `nc`.
LinPEAS will **automatically search for this binaries** in `$PATH` and let you know if any of them is available. In that case you can use LinPEAS to hosts dicovery and/or port scanning.
LinPEAS uses colors to indicate where does each section begin. But **it also uses them the identify potencial misconfigurations**.
The ![](https://placehold.it/15/b32400/000000?text=+) **Red/Yellow** ![](https://placehold.it/15/fff500/000000?text=+) color is used for identifing configurations that lead to PE (99% sure).
The ![](https://placehold.it/15/b32400/000000?text=+) **Red** color is used for identifing suspicious configurations that could lead to PE:
- Possible exploitable kernel versions
- Vulnerable sudo versions
- Identify processes running as root
- Not mounted devices
- Dangerous fstab permissions
- Writable files in interesting directories
- SUID/SGID binaries that have some vulnerable version (it also specifies the vulnerable version)
- SUDO binaries that can be used to escalate privileges in sudo -l (without passwd) (https://gtfobins.github.io/)
- Check /etc/doas.conf
- in netstat
- Known files that could contain passwords
- Capabilities in interesting binaries
- Interesting capabilities of a binary
- Writable folders and wilcards inside info about cron jobs
If you want to help with the TODO tasks or with anything, you can do it using **[github issues](https://github.com/carlospolop/privilege-escalation-awesome-scripts-suite/issues) or you can submit a pull request**.
All the scripts/binaries of the PEAS Suite should be used for authorized penetration testing and/or educational purposes only. Any misuse of this software will not be the responsibility of the author or of any other collaborator. Use it at your own networks and/or with the network owner's permission.