2019-06-08 16:57:16 +02:00
# LinPE - Linux Privilege Escalation (with colors)
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-06-03 22:44:05 +02:00
2019-06-08 12:59:40 +02:00
2019-06-03 22:44:05 +02:00
The goal of this script is to search for possible **Privilege Escalation vectors inside a linux machine** .
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-29 23:10:21 +02:00
This script does not have any dependency.
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
There is no need even for bash shell, **it runs using /bin/sh** .
2019-05-08 23:02:00 +02:00
2019-06-08 12:34:41 +02:00
It could take from **2 to 3 minutes** to execute the hole script (less than 1 min to make almost all the checks, almost 1 min to search for possible passwords inside all the accesible files of the system and 1 min to monitor the processes in order to find very frequent cron jobs).
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
This script has several lists included inside of it to be able to color the results in order to discover PE vector.
2019-02-23 16:39:02 +01:00
2019-05-11 18:40:50 +02:00
The script **automatically finds a writable directory** and writes the output of the checks there. The first console output will be the path of the file created.
2019-06-08 16:46:26 +02:00

2019-06-03 22:46:13 +02:00
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
## Colors
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
LinPE uses colors to indicate where does each section begin. But **it also uses them the identify potencial misconfigurations** .
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
2019-06-06 01:59:48 +02:00
The  **Red/Yellow**  color is used for identifing configurations that lead to PE (99% sure).
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
The  **Red** color is used for identifing suspicious configurations that could lead to PE:
- Possible exploitable kernel versions
- Vulnerable sudo versions
- Identify processes running as root
- Not mounted devices
- Dangerous fstab permissions
- Writable files in interesting directories
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- SUID/SGID binaries that have some vulnerable version (it also specifies the vulnerable version)
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
- SUDO binaries that can be used to escalate privileges in sudo -l (without passwd) (https://gtfobins.github.io/)
- in netstat
- Known files that could contain passwords
- Capabilities in interesting binaries
- Interesting capabilities of a binary
- Writable folders and wilcards inside info about cron jobs
- Writables folders in PATH
- Groups that could lead to root
- Files that could contains passwords
The  **Green** color is used for:
- Common processes run by root
- Common not interesting devices to mount
- Not dangerous fstab permissions
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- SUID/SGID common binaries (the bin was already found in other machines and searchsploit doesn't identify any vulnerable version)
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
- Common .sh files in path
- Common names of users executing processes
The  **Blue** color is used for:
- Users without shell
- Mounted devices
The  **Light Cyan** color is used for:
- Users with shell
The  **Light Magenta** color is used for:
- Current username
**The color filtering is not available in the one-liner** (the lists are too big)
## One liner
Here you have an old linpe version script in one line, **just copy and paste it** ;)
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
This one-liner is deprecated (I am not going to update it more), but it could be useful in some cases so it will remain here:
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
The default file where all the data is recorded is: */tmp/linPE* (you can change it at the beginning of the script)
2019-06-03 23:06:38 +02:00
file="/tmp/linPE";RED='\033[0;31m';Y='\033[0;33m';B='\033[0;34m';NC='\033[0m';rm -rf $file;echo "File: $file";echo "[+]Gathering system information...";printf $B"[*] "$RED"BASIC SYSTEM INFO\n"$NC >> $file ;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Operative system\n"$NC >> $file;(cat /proc/version || uname -a ) 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"PATH\n"$NC >> $file;echo $PATH 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Date\n"$NC >> $file;date 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Sudo version\n"$NC >> $file;sudo -V 2>/dev/null| grep "Sudo ver" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"selinux enabled?\n"$NC >> $file;sestatus 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Useful software?\n"$NC >> $file;which nc ncat netcat wget curl ping gcc make gdb base64 socat python python2 python3 python2.7 python2.6 python3.6 python3.7 perl php ruby xterm doas sudo 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Capabilities\n"$NC >> $file;getcap -r / 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Environment\n"$NC >> $file;(set || env) 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Top and cleaned proccesses\n"$NC >> $file;ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v "\[" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Binary processes permissions\n"$NC >> $file;ps aux 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $11}'|xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null |awk '!x[$0]++' 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Services\n"$NC >> $file;(/usr/sbin/service --status-all || /sbin/chkconfig --list || /bin/rc-status) 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Different processes executed during 1 min (HTB)\n"$NC >> $file;if [ "`ps -e --format cmd` " ]; then for i in {1..121}; do ps -e --format cmd >> $file.tmp1; sleep 0.5; done; sort $file.tmp1 | uniq | grep -v "\[" | sed '/^.\{500\}./d' >> $file; rm $file.tmp1; fi;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Proccesses binary permissions\n"$NC >> $file;ps aux 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $11}'|xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null |awk '!x[$0]++' 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Scheduled tasks\n"$NC >> $file;crontab -l 2>/dev/null >> $file;ls -al /etc/cron* 2>/dev/null >> $file;cat /etc/cron* /etc/at* /etc/anacrontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /var/spool/anacron 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Any sd* disk in /dev?\n"$NC >> $file;ls /dev 2>/dev/null | grep -i "sd" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Storage information\n"$NC >> $file;df -h 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Unmounted file-system?\n"$NC >> $file;cat /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Printer?\n"$NC >> $file;lpstat -a 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;echo "[+]Gathering network information...";printf $B"[*] "$RED"NETWORK INFO\n"$NC >> $file ;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Hostname, hosts and DNS\n"$NC >> $file;cat /etc/hostname /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" >> $file;dnsdomainname 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Networks and neightbours\n"$NC >> $file;cat /etc/networks 2>/dev/null >> $file;(ifconfig || ip a) 2>/dev/null >> $file;iptables -L 2>/dev/null >> $file;ip n 2>/dev/null >> $file;route -n 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Ports\n"$NC >> $file;(netstat -punta || ss -t; ss -u) 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Can I sniff with tcpdump?\n"$NC >> $file;timeout 1 tcpdump >> $file 2>&1; echo "" >> $file;echo "" >> $file;echo "[+]Gathering users information...";printf $B"[*] "$RED"USERS INFO\n"$NC >> $file ;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Me\n"$NC >> $file;(id || (whoami && groups)) 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Sudo -l without password\n"$NC >> $file;echo '' | sudo -S -l -k 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Do I have PGP keys?\n"$NC >> $file;gpg --list-keys 2>/dev/null >> $file;echo "" >> $file;printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Superusers\n"$NC
2019-06-03 23:04:53 +02:00
2019-06-03 22:46:13 +02:00
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
## What does linpe look for
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
- **System Information**
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- [x] SO, kernel version & sudo version
- [x] PATH, Date, time, selinux & env (and exports a new path if basic folders lacks)
- [x] Useful software installed (special search for compilers)
- [x] Processes (Current, Executed within a minute, Binary permissions)
- [x] Services
- [x] Scheduled tasks
- [x] sd* disk in /dev, storage info, mem info, ummounted file-sys, printers
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:39:02 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
- **Network Information**
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- [x] Hostname, hosts & dns
- [x] Intefaces, networks and neightbours
- [x] Active ports
- [x] Sniff permissions
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:39:02 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
- **Users Information**
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- [x] Info about current user (whoami, groups, sudo, PGPkeys)
- [x] `sudo -l` without password
- [x] Try to login using `su` as other users (using null pass and the username)
- [x] List of superusers
- [x] Login info
- [x] Available users with console
- [x] List of all users
2019-02-23 16:39:02 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
2019-06-07 20:29:44 +02:00
- **Software Sensitive Information**
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- [x] MySQl (Version, user being configured, loging as "root:root","root:toor","root:", user hashes extraction via DB and file, possible backup user configured)
- [x] PostgreSQL (Version, try login in "template0" and "template1" as: "postgres:", "psql:")
- [x] Apache (Version)
- [x] Wordpress (Database credentials)
- [x] Tomcat (Credentials)
- [x] Mongo (Version)
- [x] Supervisor (Credentials)
- [x] Cesi (Credentials)
- [x] Rsyncd (Credentials)
- [x] Hostapd (Credentials)
- [x] Network (Credentials)
- [x] Anaconda-ks (Credentials)
- [x] VNC (Credentials)
- [x] LDAP database (Credentials)
- [x] Open VPN files (Credentials)
- [x] SSH (private keys, known_hosts, authorized_hosts, authorized_keys, root login permitted)
- [x] AWS (Files with AWS keys)
- [x] NFS (privilege escalation misconfiguration)
2019-04-29 23:10:21 +02:00
2019-06-07 20:29:44 +02:00
- **Generic Interesting Files**
2019-06-08 16:43:05 +02:00
- [x] Pkexec policy, SUID & SGID files
- [x] Capabilities
- [x] .sh scripts in PATH
- [x] Reduced list of files inside home
- [x] Mails
- [x] Hashes (passwd, shadow & master.passwd)
- [x] Try to read root dir
- [x] Check if Docker or LXC container
- [x] List ALL writable files for current user (global, user and groups)
- [x] Files that can contain passwords (and search for passwords inside *_history files)
- [x] List of all hidden files
- [x] Search buckup files
- [x] Inside /tmp, /var/tmp and /var/backups
- [x] Web files
- [x] Search for backup files
- [x] Get IPs, passwords and emails from logs
- [x] "pwd" and "passw" inside files (and get most probable lines)
By Polop< sup > (TM)< / sup >