mirror of https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng synced 2025-03-21 16:54:22 +01:00

269 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-01 20:08:34 +02:00
C=$(printf '\033')
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
writeB="\.sh$\|\./\|/etc/\|/sys/\|/lib\|/root/\|/home/\|/var/log/\|/mnt/\|/usr/local/sbin/\|/usr/sbin/\|/sbin/\|/usr/local/bin/\|/usr/bin/\|/bin/\|/usr/local/games/\|/usr/games/\|/usr/lib/"`echo $PATH 2>/dev/null| sed 's/:/\\\|/g'`
2019-04-06 02:09:47 +02:00
2019-04-06 14:45:04 +02:00
sh_usrs=`cat /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | grep -i "sh$" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|/\\\|/g'`"ImPoSSssSiBlEee"
nosh_usrs=`cat /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | grep -i -v "sh$" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|/\\\|/g'`"ImPoSSssSiBlEee"
2019-04-01 20:08:34 +02:00
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
Wfolders=`find /home /tmp /var /bin /etc /usr /lib /media /mnt /opt /root -writable -type d -maxdepth 2 2>/dev/null | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's/|/\\\|/g'`"/home\|\*"
2019-04-01 20:08:34 +02:00
if [ "$(/usr/bin/id -u)" -eq "0" ]; then printf $B"[*] "$RED"YOU ARE ALREADY ROOT!!! (nothing is going to be executed)\n"$NC; exit; fi
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
rm -rf $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "File: $file"
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "[+]Gathering system information..."
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $B"[*] "$RED"BASIC SYSTEM INFO\n"$NC >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Operative system\n"$NC >> $file
(cat /proc/version || uname -a ) 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-04-06 14:45:04 +02:00
lsb_release -a 2>/dev/null >> $file #add to one-liner
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"PATH\n"$NC >> $file
echo $PATH 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Date\n"$NC >> $file
date 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Sudo version\n"$NC >> $file
sudo -V 2>/dev/null| grep "Sudo ver" >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"selinux enabled?\n"$NC >> $file
sestatus 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Useful software?\n"$NC >> $file
which nc ncat netcat wget curl ping gcc g++ make gdb base64 socat python python2 python3 python2.7 python2.6 python3.6 python3.7 perl php ruby xterm doas sudo fetch 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Capabilities\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
getcap -r / 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sudocapsB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$capsB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Environment\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
(set || env) 2>/dev/null | grep -v "groupsB\|sidG\|sidB\|sudoB\|sudoMore\|sudocapsB\|capsB|\notExtensions\|writeB\|_usrs" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-04-01 20:08:34 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Cleaned proccesses\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v "\[" | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,root,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Binary processes permissions\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-06 14:45:04 +02:00
ps aux 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $11}'|xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null |awk '!x[$0]++' 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,root,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-03-28 14:49:02 -04:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Services\n"$NC >> $file
(/usr/sbin/service --status-all || /sbin/chkconfig --list || /bin/rc-status) 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Different processes executed during 1 min (interesting is low number of repetitions)\n"$NC >> $file
if [ "`ps -e --format cmd`" ]; then for i in {1..121}; do ps -e --format cmd >> $file.tmp1; sleep 0.5; done; sort $file.tmp1 | uniq -c | grep -v "\[" | sed '/^.\{500\}./d' >> $file; rm $file.tmp1; fi
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Scheduled tasks\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
crontab -l 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$Wfolders,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
ls -al /etc/cron* 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
cat /etc/cron* /etc/at* /etc/anacrontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root /var/spool/anacron 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | sed "s,$Wfolders,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Any sd* disk in /dev?\n"$NC >> $file
ls /dev 2>/dev/null | grep -i "sd" >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Storage information\n"$NC >> $file
df -h 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Unmounted file-system?\n"$NC >> $file
2019-02-13 00:07:53 +01:00
cat /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Printer?\n"$NC >> $file
lpstat -a 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "[+]Gathering network information..."
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $B"[*] "$RED"NETWORK INFO\n"$NC >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Hostname, hosts and DNS\n"$NC >> $file
2019-02-13 00:07:53 +01:00
cat /etc/hostname /etc/hosts /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
dnsdomainname 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Networks and neightbours\n"$NC >> $file
cat /etc/networks 2>/dev/null >> $file
(ifconfig || ip a) 2>/dev/null >> $file
iptables -L 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-03-28 14:49:02 -04:00
ip n 2>/dev/null >> $file
route -n 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Ports\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-06 14:45:04 +02:00
(netstat -punta || ss -t; ss -u) 2>/dev/null | sed "s,,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Can I sniff with tcpdump?\n"$NC >> $file
timeout 1 tcpdump >> $file 2>&1
echo "" >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "[+]Gathering users information..."
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $B"[*] "$RED"USERS INFO\n"$NC >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Me\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
(id || (whoami && groups)) 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$groupsB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $B"[+] "$RED"Pkexec policy\n"$NC >> $file
cat /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/* 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$groupsB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m,"
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-02 13:12:50 -04:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Sudo -l without password & /etc/sudoers\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
echo '' | sudo -S -l -k 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sudoB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$sudoMore,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
cat /etc/sudoers 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sudoB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$sudoMore,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file #Add to one-liner
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Do not forget to execute 'sudo -l' without password or with valid password (if you know it)!!\n"$NC >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Do I have PGP keys?\n"$NC >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
gpg --list-keys 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Superusers\n"$NC >> $file
awk -F: '($3 == "0") {print}' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Login\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
w 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,root,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
last 2>/dev/null | tail | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,root,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Users with console\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
cat /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | grep "sh$" | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"All users\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
cat /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f1 | sed "s,$sh_usrs,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$nosh_usrs,${C}[96m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$knw_usrs,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,root,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "[+]Gathering files information..."
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $B"[*] "$RED"INTERESTING FILES\n"$NC >> $file
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"SUID\n"$NC >> $file
find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sidG,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$sidB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"SGID\n"$NC >> $file
find / -perm -g=s -type f 2>/dev/null | sed "s,$sidG,${C}[32m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,$sidB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Files inside \$HOME (limit 20)\n"$NC >> $file
ls -la $HOME 2>/dev/null | head -n 23 >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"20 First files of /home\n"$NC >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
find /home -type f 2>/dev/null | column -t | grep -v -i "/"$USER | head -n 20 >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Files inside .ssh directory?\n"$NC >> $file
find /home /root -name .ssh 2>/dev/null -exec ls -laR {} \; >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"*sa_key* files\n"$NC >> $file
find / -type f -name "*sa_key*" -ls 2>/dev/null -exec ls -l {} \; >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-22 14:11:27 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Mails?\n"$NC >> $file
ls -alh /var/mail/ /var/spool/mail/ 2>/dev/null >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"NFS exports?\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
cat /etc/exports 2>/dev/null | grep -v "^#" | sed "s,no_root_squash,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Hashes inside /etc/passwd? Readable /etc/shadow, /etc/master.passwd, or /root?\n"$NC >> $file
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
grep -v '^[^:]*:[x]' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null >> $file
cat /etc/shadow /etc/master.passwd 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-04-02 13:12:50 -04:00
ls -ahl /root/ 2>/dev/null >> $file #Modify in one-liner
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Inside docker or lxc?\n"$NC >> $file
dockercontainer=`grep -i docker /proc/self/cgroup 2>/dev/null; find / -name "*dockerenv*" -exec ls -la {} \; 2>/dev/null`
lxccontainer=`grep -qa container=lxc /proc/1/environ 2>/dev/null`
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
if [ "$dockercontainer" ]; then echo "Looks like we're in a Docker container" | sed "s,.*,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file; fi
if [ "$lxccontainer" ]; then echo "Looks like we're in a LXC container" | sed "s,.*,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file; fi
2019-02-23 16:34:58 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-02-23 22:13:21 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"*_history, profile, bashrc, httpd.conf\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
find / -type f \( -name "*_history" -o -name ".profile" -o -name "*bashrc" -o -name "httpd.conf" \) -exec ls -l {} \; 2>/dev/null | sed "s,_history$,${C}[33m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,profile$,${C}[36m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,bashrc$,${C}[34m&${C}[0m," | sed "s,httpd.conf$,${C}[35m&${C}[0m,">> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"All hidden files (not in /sys/, not: .gitignore, .listing, .profile, .bashrc) (limit 100)\n"$NC >> $file
find / -type f -iname ".*" -ls 2>/dev/null | grep -v "/sys/\|\.gitignore\|\.profile\|\.bashrc\|\.listing" | head -n 100 >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-06 02:09:47 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"What inside /tmp, /var/tmp, /var/backups (limited 100)\n"$NC >> $file
ls -a /tmp /var/tmp /var/backups 2>/dev/null | head 105 >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-03-28 14:49:02 -04:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Interesting writable Files\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-27 00:57:57 +02:00
find / '(' -type f -or -type d ')' '(' '(' -user $USER ')' -or '(' -perm -o=w ')' ')' 2>/dev/null | grep -v '/proc/' | grep -v $HOME | grep -v '/sys/fs' | grep -v $notExtensions | sort | uniq | sed "s,$writeB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file
for g in `groups`; do find / \( -type f -or -type d \) -group $g -perm -g=w 2>/dev/null | grep -v '/proc/' | grep -v $HOME | grep -v '/sys/fs' | grep -v $notExtensions | sed "s,$writeB,${C}[31m&${C}[0m," >> $file; done
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-02-24 01:07:06 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Web files?(output limited)\n"$NC >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
ls -alhR /var/www/ 2>/dev/null | head >> $file
ls -alhR /srv/www/htdocs/ 2>/dev/null | head >> $file
ls -alhR /usr/local/www/apache22/data/ 2>/dev/null | head >> $file
ls -alhR /opt/lampp/htdocs/ 2>/dev/null | head >> $file
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Backup files?\n"$NC >> $file
2019-04-06 02:09:47 +02:00
find /var /etc /bin /sbin /home /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/sbin /root /tmp -type f \( -name "*backup*" -o -name "*bck*" \) 2>/dev/null >> $file
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Finding IPs inside logs\n"$NC >> $file
grep -R -a -E -o "(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)" /var/log/ 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq -c >> $file #Add to one-liner
echo "" >> $file
2019-04-24 23:42:14 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Finding passwords inside logs (limited 100)\n"$NC >> $file
grep -a -R -i "pwd\|passw" /var/log/ 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq | head -n 100 >> $file #Add to one-liner
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file
2019-01-13 21:14:35 +01:00
2019-04-24 23:42:14 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Finding emails inside logs (limited 100)\n"$NC >> $file
grep -R -E -a -o "\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}\b" /var/log/ 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq -c | head -n 100 >> $file #Add to one-liner
echo "" >> $file
2019-04-24 02:03:24 +02:00
printf $Y"[+] "$RED"Find 'pwd' or 'passw' string inside /home, /var/www, /etc, /root and list possible web(/var/www) and config(/etc) passwords\n"$NC >> $file
grep -lRi "pwd\|passw" /home /var/www /root 2>/dev/null | sort | uniq -c >> $file
2019-04-06 02:09:47 +02:00
grep -R -i "password.* = ['\"]" /var/www | sed '/^.\{150\}./d' | grep "\.php" >> $file #Add to one-liner
grep -R -i "password" /etc 2>/dev/null | grep "conf" | grep -v "#" >> $file #Add to one-liner
2019-01-29 23:09:47 +01:00
echo "" >> $file