/* *************************************************************************** ** Program : OTGW-firmware.ino ** Version : v0.9.1 ** ** Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Robert van den Breemen ** ** TERMS OF USE: MIT License. See bottom of file. *************************************************************************** */ /* * How to install the OTGW on your nodeMCU: * Read this: https://github.com/rvdbreemen/OTGW-firmware/wiki/How-to-compile-OTGW-firmware-yourself * * How to upload to your LittleFS? * Read this: https://github.com/rvdbreemen/OTGW-firmware/wiki/Upload-files-to-LittleFS-(filesystem) * * How to compile this firmware? * - NodeMCU v1.0 * - Flashsize (4MB - FS:2MB - OTA ~1019KB) * - CPU frequentcy: 160MHz * - Normal defaults should work fine. * First time: Make sure to flash sketch + wifi or flash ALL contents. * */ #include "version.h" #define _FW_VERSION _VERSION #include "OTGW-firmware.h" #define ON LOW #define OFF HIGH DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timerpollsensor, settingGPIOSENSORSinterval, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); //===================================================================== void setup() { // Serial is initialized by OTGWSerial. It resets the pic and opens serialdevice. // OTGWSerial.begin();//OTGW Serial device that knows about OTGW PIC // while (!Serial) {} //Wait for OK OTGWSerial.println(F("\r\n[OTGW firmware - Nodoshop version]\r\n")); OTGWSerial.printf("Booting....[%s]\r\n\r\n", String(_FW_VERSION).c_str()); WatchDogEnabled(0); // turn off watchdog //setup randomseed the right way randomSeed(RANDOM_REG32); //This is 8266 HWRNG used to seed the Random PRNG: Read more: https://config9.com/arduino/getting-a-truly-random-number-in-arduino/ //setup the status LED setLed(LED1, ON); setLed(LED2, ON); LittleFS.begin(); readSettings(true); //start with setting wifi hostname WiFi.hostname(String(settingHostname)); // Connect to and initialise WiFi network OTGWSerial.println(F("Attempting to connect to WiFi network\r")); setLed(LED1, ON); startWiFi(CSTR(settingHostname), 240); // timeout 240 seconds blinkLED(LED1, 3, 100); setLed(LED1, OFF); startTelnet(); // start the debug port 23 startNTP(); startMDNS(CSTR(settingHostname)); startLLMNR(CSTR(settingHostname)); setupFSexplorer(); startWebserver(); startMQTT(); // start the MQTT after webserver, always. lastReset = ESP.getResetReason(); OTGWSerial.printf("Last reset reason: [%s]\r\n", CSTR(lastReset)); rebootCount = updateRebootCount(); updateRebootLog(lastReset); OTGWSerial.println(F("Setup finished!\r\n")); // After resetting the OTGW PIC never send anything to Serial for debug // and switch to telnet port 23 for debug purposed. // Setup the OTGW PIC resetOTGW(); // reset the OTGW pic startOTGWstream(); // start port 25238 checkOTWGpicforupdate(); initSensors(); // init DS18B20 initOutputs(); initWatchDog(); // setup the WatchDog WatchDogEnabled(1); // turn on watchdog sendOTGWbootcmd(); //Blink LED2 to signal setup done setLed(LED1, OFF); blinkLED(LED2, 3, 100); setLed(LED2, OFF); sendMQTTuptime(); sendMQTTversioninfo(); } //===================================================================== //====[ restartWifi ]=== /* The restartWifi function takes tries to just reconnect to the wifi. When the wifi is restated, it then waits for maximum of 30 seconds (timeout). It keeps count of how many times it tried, when it tried to reconnect for 15 times. It goes into failsafe mode, and reboots the ESP. The watchdog is turned off during this process */ void restartWifi(){ static int iTryRestarts = 0; //So if we have more than 15 restarts, then it's time to reboot iTryRestarts++; //Count the number of attempts WiFi.hostname(settingHostname); //make sure hostname is set if (WiFi.begin()) // if the wifi ssid exist, you can try to connect. { //active wait for connections, this can take seconds DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timeoutWifiConnect, 30, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); while ((WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)) { delay(100); feedWatchDog(); //feeding the dog, while waiting activly if DUE(timeoutWifiConnect) break; //timeout, then break out of this loop } } if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { //when reconnect, restart some services, just to make sure all works // Turn off ESP reconnect, to make sure that's not the issue (16/11/2021) // WiFi.setAutoReconnect(true); // WiFi.persistent(true); startTelnet(); startOTGWstream(); startMQTT(); iTryRestarts = 0; //reset attempt counter return; } //if all fails, and retry 15 is hit, then reboot esp if (iTryRestarts >= 15) doRestart("Too many wifi reconnect attempts"); } void sendMQTTuptime(){ DebugTf("Uptime seconds: %d\r\n", upTimeSeconds); String sUptime = String(upTimeSeconds); sendMQTTData(F("otgw-firmware/uptime"), sUptime, false); } void sendtimecommand(){ if (!settingNTPenable) return; // if NTP is disabled, then return if (NtpStatus != TIME_SYNC) return; // only send time command when time is synced //send time command to OTGW //send time / weekday char msg[15]={0}; #define calc_ot_dow(dow) ((dow+5)%7+1) sprintf(msg,"SC=%d:%02d/%ld", hour(), minute(), calc_ot_dow(dayOfWeek(now()))); addOTWGcmdtoqueue(msg, strlen(msg), true); static int lastDay = 0; if (day(now())!=lastDay){ //Send msg id 21: month, day lastDay = day(now()); sprintf(msg,"SR=21:%d,%d", month(now()), day(now())); addOTWGcmdtoqueue(msg, strlen(msg), true); } static int lastYear = 0; if (year(now())!=lastYear){ lastYear = year(now()); //Send msg id 22: HB of Year, LB of Year sprintf(msg,"SR=22:%d,%d", (lastYear >> 8) & 0xFF, lastYear & 0xFF); addOTWGcmdtoqueue(msg, strlen(msg), true); } } //===[ blink status led ]=== void setLed(uint8_t led, uint8_t status){ pinMode(led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led, status); } void blinkLEDms(uint32_t delay){ //blink the statusled, when time passed DECLARE_TIMER_MS(timerBlink, delay); if (DUE(timerBlink)) { blinkLEDnow(); } } void blinkLED(uint8_t led, int nr, uint32_t waittime_ms){ for (int i = nr; i>0; i--){ blinkLEDnow(led); delayms(waittime_ms); blinkLEDnow(led); delayms(waittime_ms); } } void blinkLEDnow(uint8_t led = LED1){ pinMode(led, OUTPUT); if (settingLEDblink) { digitalWrite(led, !digitalRead(led)); } else setLed(led, OFF); } //===[ no-blocking delay with running background tasks in ms ]=== void delayms(unsigned long delay_ms) { DECLARE_TIMER_MS(timerDelayms, delay_ms); while (DUE(timerDelayms)) doBackgroundTasks(); } //===================================================================== //===[ Do task every 1s ]=== void doTaskEvery1s(){ //== do tasks == handleOTGWqueue(); //just check if there are commands to retry upTimeSeconds++; } //===[ Do task every 5s ]=== void doTaskEvery5s(){ //== do tasks == } //===[ Do task every 30s ]=== void doTaskEvery30s(){ //== do tasks == } //===[ Do task every 60s ]=== void doTaskEvery60s(){ //== do tasks == //if no wifi, try reconnecting (once a minute) if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) restartWifi(); sendtimecommand(); } //===[ Do task every 5min ]=== void do5minevent(){ sendMQTTuptime(); sendMQTTversioninfo(); } //===[ check for new pic version ]=== void docheckforpic(){ String latest = checkforupdatepic("gateway.hex"); if (!bOTGWonline) { sMessage = sPICfwversion; } else if (latest != sPICfwversion) { sMessage = "New PIC version " + latest + " available!"; } } //===[ Do the background tasks ]=== void doBackgroundTasks() { feedWatchDog(); // Feed the dog before it bites! if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { //while connected handle everything that uses network stuff handleDebug(); handleMQTT(); // MQTT transmissions handleOTGW(); // OTGW handling httpServer.handleClient(); MDNS.update(); loopNTP(); } //otherwise, just wait until reconnected gracefully delay(1); } void loop() { DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timer1s, 1, SKIP_MISSED_TICKS); DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timer5s, 5, SKIP_MISSED_TICKS); DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timer30s, 30, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); DECLARE_TIMER_SEC(timer60s, 60, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); DECLARE_TIMER_MIN(tmrcheckpic, 1440, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); DECLARE_TIMER_MIN(timer5min, 5, CATCH_UP_MISSED_TICKS); if (DUE(timerpollsensor)) pollSensors(); // poll the temperature sensors connected to 2wire gpio pin if (DUE(timer5min)) do5minevent(); if (DUE(timer60s)) doTaskEvery60s(); if (DUE(timer30s)) doTaskEvery30s(); if (DUE(timer5s)) doTaskEvery5s(); if (DUE(timer1s)) doTaskEvery1s(); if (DUE(tmrcheckpic)) docheckforpic(); evalOutputs(); // when the bits change, the output gpio bit will follow doBackgroundTasks(); } /*************************************************************************** * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit * persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT * OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * **************************************************************************** */