
348 lines
10 KiB

#include "rpakfilesystem.h"
#include "mods/modmanager.h"
#include "dedicated/dedicated.h"
#include "core/tier0.h"
// there are more i'm just too lazy to add
struct PakLoadFuncs
void* unk0[3];
int (*LoadPakAsync)(const char* pPath, void* unknownSingleton, int flags, void* callback0, void* callback1);
void* unk1[2];
void* (*UnloadPak)(int iPakHandle, void* callback);
void* unk2[6];
void* (*LoadFile)(const char* path); // unsure
void* unk3[10];
void* (*ReadFileAsync)(const char* pPath, void* a2);
PakLoadFuncs* g_pakLoadApi;
PakLoadManager* g_pPakLoadManager;
void** pUnknownPakLoadSingleton;
int PakLoadManager::LoadPakAsync(const char* pPath, const ePakLoadSource nLoadSource)
int nHandle = g_pakLoadApi->LoadPakAsync(pPath, *pUnknownPakLoadSingleton, 2, nullptr, nullptr);
// set the load source of the pak we just loaded
if (nHandle != -1)
GetPakInfo(nHandle)->m_nLoadSource = nLoadSource;
return nHandle;
void PakLoadManager::UnloadPak(const int nPakHandle)
g_pakLoadApi->UnloadPak(nPakHandle, nullptr);
void PakLoadManager::UnloadMapPaks()
for (auto& pair : m_vLoadedPaks)
if (pair.second.m_nLoadSource == ePakLoadSource::MAP)
LoadedPak* PakLoadManager::TrackLoadedPak(ePakLoadSource nLoadSource, int nPakHandle, size_t nPakNameHash)
LoadedPak pak;
pak.m_nLoadSource = nLoadSource;
pak.m_nPakHandle = nPakHandle;
pak.m_nPakNameHash = nPakNameHash;
m_vLoadedPaks.insert(std::make_pair(nPakHandle, pak));
return &;
void PakLoadManager::RemoveLoadedPak(int nPakHandle)
LoadedPak* PakLoadManager::GetPakInfo(const int nPakHandle)
return &;
int PakLoadManager::GetPakHandle(const size_t nPakNameHash)
for (auto& pair : m_vLoadedPaks)
if (pair.second.m_nPakNameHash == nPakNameHash)
return pair.first;
return -1;
int PakLoadManager::GetPakHandle(const char* pPath)
return GetPakHandle(STR_HASH(pPath));
void* PakLoadManager::LoadFile(const char* path)
return g_pakLoadApi->LoadFile(path);
void HandlePakAliases(char** map)
// convert the pak being loaded to it's aliased one, e.g. aliasing mp_hub_timeshift => sp_hub_timeshift
for (int64_t i = g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods.size() - 1; i > -1; i--)
Mod* mod = &g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods[i];
if (!mod->m_bEnabled)
if (mod->RpakAliases.find(*map) != mod->RpakAliases.end())
*map = &mod->RpakAliases[*map][0];
void LoadPreloadPaks()
// note, loading from ./ is necessary otherwise paks will load from gamedir/r2/paks
for (Mod& mod : g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods)
if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
// need to get a relative path of mod to mod folder
fs::path modPakPath("./" / mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks");
for (ModRpakEntry& pak : mod.Rpaks)
if (pak.m_bAutoLoad)
g_pPakLoadManager->LoadPakAsync((modPakPath / pak.m_sPakName).string().c_str(), ePakLoadSource::CONSTANT);
void LoadPostloadPaks(const char* pPath)
// note, loading from ./ is necessary otherwise paks will load from gamedir/r2/paks
for (Mod& mod : g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods)
if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
// need to get a relative path of mod to mod folder
fs::path modPakPath("./" / mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks");
for (ModRpakEntry& pak : mod.Rpaks)
if (pak.m_sLoadAfterPak == pPath)
g_pPakLoadManager->LoadPakAsync((modPakPath / pak.m_sPakName).string().c_str(), ePakLoadSource::CONSTANT);
void LoadCustomMapPaks(char** pakName, bool* bNeedToFreePakName)
// whether the vanilla game has this rpak
bool bHasOriginalPak = fs::exists(fs::path("r2/paks/Win64/") / *pakName);
// note, loading from ./ is necessary otherwise paks will load from gamedir/r2/paks
for (Mod& mod : g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods)
if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
// need to get a relative path of mod to mod folder
fs::path modPakPath("./" / mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks");
for (ModRpakEntry& pak : mod.Rpaks)
if (!pak.m_bAutoLoad && !*pakName))
// if the game doesn't have the original pak, let it handle loading this one as if it was the one it was loading originally
if (!bHasOriginalPak)
std::string path = (modPakPath / pak.m_sPakName).string();
*pakName = new char[path.size() + 1];
strcpy(*pakName, &path[0]);
(*pakName)[path.size()] = '\0';
bHasOriginalPak = true;
*bNeedToFreePakName =
true; // we can't free this memory until we're done with the pak, so let whatever's calling this deal with it
g_pPakLoadManager->LoadPakAsync((modPakPath / pak.m_sPakName).string().c_str(), ePakLoadSource::MAP);
// clang-format off
HOOK(LoadPakAsyncHook, LoadPakAsync,
int, __fastcall, (char* pPath, void* unknownSingleton, int flags, void* pCallback0, void* pCallback1))
// clang-format on
// dont load the pak if it's currently loaded already
size_t nPathHash = STR_HASH(pPath);
if (g_pPakLoadManager->GetPakHandle(nPathHash) != -1)
return -1;
bool bNeedToFreePakName = false;
static bool bShouldLoadPaks = true;
if (bShouldLoadPaks)
// make a copy of the path for comparing to determine whether we should load this pak on dedi, before it could get overwritten by
// LoadCustomMapPaks
std::string originalPath(pPath);
// disable preloading while we're doing this
bShouldLoadPaks = false;
LoadCustomMapPaks(&pPath, &bNeedToFreePakName);
bShouldLoadPaks = true;
// do this after custom paks load and in bShouldLoadPaks so we only ever call this on the root pakload call
// todo: could probably add some way to flag custom paks to not be loaded on dedicated servers in rpak.json
// dedicated only needs common, common_mp, common_sp, and sp_<map> rpaks
// sp_<map> rpaks contain tutorial ghost data
// sucks to have to load the entire rpak for that but sp was never meant to be done on dedi
if (IsDedicatedServer() &&
(CommandLine()->CheckParm("-nopakdedi") || strncmp(&originalPath[0], "common", 6) && strncmp(&originalPath[0], "sp_", 3)))
if (bNeedToFreePakName)
delete[] pPath;
NS::log::rpak->info("Not loading pak {} for dedicated server", originalPath);
return -1;
int iPakHandle = LoadPakAsync(pPath, unknownSingleton, flags, pCallback0, pCallback1);
NS::log::rpak->info("LoadPakAsync {} {}", pPath, iPakHandle);
// trak the pak
g_pPakLoadManager->TrackLoadedPak(ePakLoadSource::UNTRACKED, iPakHandle, nPathHash);
if (bNeedToFreePakName)
delete[] pPath;
return iPakHandle;
// clang-format off
HOOK(UnloadPakHook, UnloadPak,
void*, __fastcall, (int nPakHandle, void* pCallback))
// clang-format on
// stop tracking the pak
static bool bShouldUnloadPaks = true;
if (bShouldUnloadPaks)
bShouldUnloadPaks = false;
bShouldUnloadPaks = true;
NS::log::rpak->info("UnloadPak {}", nPakHandle);
return UnloadPak(nPakHandle, pCallback);
// we hook this exclusively for resolving stbsp paths, but seemingly it's also used for other stuff like vpk, rpak, mprj and starpak loads
// tbh this actually might be for memory mapped files or something, would make sense i think
// clang-format off
HOOK(ReadFileAsyncHook, ReadFileAsync,
void*, __fastcall, (const char* pPath, void* pCallback))
// clang-format on
fs::path path(pPath);
std::string newPath = "";
fs::path filename = path.filename();
if (path.extension() == ".stbsp")
if (IsDedicatedServer())
return nullptr;
NS::log::rpak->info("LoadStreamBsp: {}", filename.string());
// resolve modded stbsp path so we can load mod stbsps
auto modFile = g_pModManager->m_ModFiles.find(g_pModManager->NormaliseModFilePath(fs::path("maps" / filename)));
if (modFile != g_pModManager->m_ModFiles.end())
newPath = (modFile->second.m_pOwningMod->m_ModDirectory / "mod" / modFile->second.m_Path).string();
pPath = newPath.c_str();
else if (path.extension() == ".starpak")
if (IsDedicatedServer())
return nullptr;
// code for this is mostly stolen from above
// unfortunately I can't find a way to get the rpak that is causing this function call, so I have to
// store them on mod init and then compare the current path with the stored paths
// game adds r2\ to every path, so assume that a starpak path that begins with r2\paks\ is a vanilla one
// modded starpaks will be in the mod's paks folder (but can be in folders within the paks folder)
// this might look a bit confusing, but its just an iterator over the various directories in a path.
// path.begin() being the first directory, r2 in this case, which is guaranteed anyway,
// so increment the iterator with ++ to get the first actual directory, * just gets the actual value
// then we compare to "paks" to determine if it's a vanilla rpak or not
if (*++path.begin() != "paks")
// remove the r2\ from the start used for path lookups
std::string starpakPath = path.string().substr(3);
// hash the starpakPath to compare with stored entries
size_t hashed = STR_HASH(starpakPath);
// loop through all loaded mods
for (Mod& mod : g_pModManager->m_LoadedMods)
// ignore non-loaded mods
if (!mod.m_bEnabled)
// loop through the stored starpak paths
for (size_t hash : mod.StarpakPaths)
if (hash == hashed)
// construct new path
newPath = (mod.m_ModDirectory / "paks" / starpakPath).string();
// set path to the new path
pPath = newPath.c_str();
NS::log::rpak->info("LoadStreamPak: {}", filename.string());
return ReadFileAsync(pPath, pCallback);
ON_DLL_LOAD("engine.dll", RpakFilesystem, (CModule module))
g_pPakLoadManager = new PakLoadManager;
g_pakLoadApi = module.Offset(0x5BED78).Deref().RCast<PakLoadFuncs*>();
pUnknownPakLoadSingleton = module.Offset(0x7C5E20).RCast<void**>();