
118 lines
3.2 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "modmanager.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "pdef.h"
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
void ModManager::BuildPdef()
spdlog::info("Building persistent_player_data_version_231.pdef...");
fs::path MOD_PDEF_PATH = fs::path(GetCompiledAssetsPath() / MOD_PDEF_SUFFIX);
std::string pdef = R2::ReadVPKOriginalFile(VPK_PDEF_PATH);
for (Mod& mod : m_LoadedMods)
if (!mod.m_bEnabled || !mod.Pdiff.size())
// this code probably isn't going to be pretty lol
// refer to shared/pjson.js for an actual okish parser of the pdiff format
// but pretty much, $ENUM_ADD blocks define members added to preexisting enums
// $PROP_START ends the custom stuff, and from there it's just normal props we append to the pdef
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> enumAdds;
// read pdiff
bool inEnum = false;
bool inProp = false;
std::string currentEnum;
std::string currentLine;
std::istringstream pdiffStream(mod.Pdiff);
while (std::getline(pdiffStream, currentLine))
if (inProp)
// just append to pdef here
pdef += currentLine;
pdef += '\n';
// trim leading whitespace
size_t start = currentLine.find_first_not_of(" \n\r\t\f\v");
size_t end = currentLine.find("//");
if (end == std::string::npos)
end = currentLine.size() - 1; // last char
if (!currentLine.size() || !, 2, "//"))
if (inEnum)
if (!, 9, "$ENUM_END"))
inEnum = false;
enumAdds[currentEnum].push_back(currentLine); // only need to push_back current line, if there's syntax errors then game
// pdef parser will handle them
else if (!, 9, "$ENUM_ADD"))
inEnum = true;
currentEnum = currentLine.substr(start + 10 /*$ENUM_ADD + 1*/, currentLine.size() - end - (start + 10));
enumAdds.insert(std::make_pair(currentEnum, std::vector<std::string>()));
else if (!, 11, "$PROP_START"))
inProp = true;
pdef += "\n// $PROP_START ";
pdef += mod.Name;
pdef += "\n";
// add new members to preexisting enums
// note: this code could 100% be messed up if people put //$ENUM_START comments and the like
// could make it protect against this, but honestly not worth atm
for (auto enumAdd : enumAdds)
std::string addStr;
for (std::string enumMember : enumAdd.second)
addStr += enumMember;
addStr += '\n';
// start of enum we're adding to
std::string startStr = "$ENUM_START ";
startStr += enumAdd.first;
// insert enum values into enum
size_t insertIdx = pdef.find("$ENUM_END", pdef.find(startStr));
pdef.insert(insertIdx, addStr);
std::ofstream writeStream(MOD_PDEF_PATH, std::ios::binary);
writeStream << pdef;
ModOverrideFile overrideFile;
overrideFile.m_pOwningMod = nullptr;
overrideFile.m_Path = VPK_PDEF_PATH;
if (m_ModFiles.find(VPK_PDEF_PATH) == m_ModFiles.end())
m_ModFiles.insert(std::make_pair(VPK_PDEF_PATH, overrideFile));
m_ModFiles[VPK_PDEF_PATH] = overrideFile;