
459 lines
15 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "cvar.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "dedicated.h"
#include "tier0.h"
#include "r2engine.h"
#include "r2client.h"
#include "vector.h"
ConVar* Cvar_ns_exploitfixes_log;
ConVar* Cvar_ns_should_log_all_clientcommands;
ConVar* Cvar_sv_cheats;
#define BLOCKED_INFO(s) \
( \
[=]() -> bool \
{ \
if (Cvar_ns_exploitfixes_log->GetBool()) \
{ \
std::stringstream stream; \
stream << "ExploitFixes.cpp: " << BLOCK_PREFIX << s; \
spdlog::error(stream.str()); \
} \
return false; \
// block bad netmessages
// Servers can literally request a screenshot from any client, yeah no
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CLC_Screenshot_WriteToBuffer, engine.dll + 0x22AF20,
bool, __fastcall, (void* thisptr, void* buffer)) // 48 89 5C 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 8B 42 10
// clang-format on
return false;
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CLC_Screenshot_ReadFromBuffer, engine.dll + 0x221F00,
bool, __fastcall, (void* thisptr, void* buffer)) // 48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 6C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B DA 48 8B 52 38
// clang-format on
return false;
// This is unused ingame and a big client=>server=>client exploit vector
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(Base_CmdKeyValues_ReadFromBuffer, engine.dll + 0x220040,
bool, __fastcall, (void* thisptr, void* buffer)) // 40 55 48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 48 8D 6C 24 ? 48 89 5D 70
// clang-format on
return false;
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CClient_ProcessSetConVar, engine.dll + 0x75CF0,
bool, __fastcall, (void* pMsg)) // 48 8B D1 48 8B 49 18 48 8B 01 48 FF 60 10
// clang-format on
constexpr int ENTRY_STR_LEN = 260;
struct SetConVarEntry
char name[ENTRY_STR_LEN];
char val[ENTRY_STR_LEN];
struct NET_SetConVar
void* vtable;
void* unk1;
void* unk2;
void* m_pMessageHandler;
SetConVarEntry* m_ConVars; // convar entry array
void* unk5; // these 2 unks are just vector capacity or whatever
void* unk6;
int m_ConVars_count; // amount of cvar entries in array (this will not be out of bounds)
auto msg = (NET_SetConVar*)pMsg;
bool bIsServerFrame = Tier0::ThreadInServerFrameThread();
std::string BLOCK_PREFIX =
std::string {"NET_SetConVar ("} + (bIsServerFrame ? "server" : "client") + "): Blocked dangerous/invalid msg: ";
if (bIsServerFrame)
if (msg->m_ConVars_count < 1 || msg->m_ConVars_count > SETCONVAR_SANITY_AMOUNT_LIMIT)
return BLOCKED_INFO("Invalid m_ConVars_count (" << msg->m_ConVars_count << ")");
for (int i = 0; i < msg->m_ConVars_count; i++)
auto entry = msg->m_ConVars + i;
// Safety check for memory access
if (MemoryAddress(entry).IsMemoryReadable(sizeof(*entry)))
// Find null terminators
bool nameValid = false, valValid = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRY_STR_LEN; i++)
if (!entry->name[i])
nameValid = true;
if (!entry->val[i])
valValid = true;
if (!nameValid || !valValid)
return BLOCKED_INFO("Missing null terminators");
ConVar* pVar = R2::g_pCVar->FindVar(entry->name);
if (pVar)
strlen(pVar->m_ConCommandBase.m_pszName) + 1); // Force name to match case
int iFlags = bIsServerFrame ? FCVAR_USERINFO : FCVAR_REPLICATED;
if (!pVar->IsFlagSet(iFlags))
"Invalid flags (" << std::hex << "0x" << pVar->m_ConCommandBase.m_nFlags << "), var is " << entry->name);
return BLOCKED_INFO("Unreadable memory at " << (void*)entry); // Not risking that one, they all gotta be readable
return CClient_ProcessSetConVar(msg);
// prevent invalid user CMDs
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CClient_ProcessUsercmds, engine.dll + 0x1040F0,
bool, __fastcall, (void* thisptr, void* pMsg)) // 40 55 56 48 83 EC 58
// clang-format on
struct CLC_Move
BYTE gap0[24];
void* m_pMessageHandler;
int m_nBackupCommands;
int m_nNewCommands;
int m_nLength;
// bf_read m_DataIn;
// bf_write m_DataOut;
auto msg = (CLC_Move*)pMsg;
const char* BLOCK_PREFIX = "ProcessUserCmds: ";
if (msg->m_nBackupCommands < 0)
return BLOCKED_INFO("Invalid m_nBackupCommands (" << msg->m_nBackupCommands << ")");
if (msg->m_nNewCommands < 0)
return BLOCKED_INFO("Invalid m_nNewCommands (" << msg->m_nNewCommands << ")");
if (msg->m_nLength <= 0)
return BLOCKED_INFO("Invalid message length (" << msg->m_nLength << ")");
return CClient_ProcessUsercmds(thisptr, pMsg);
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(ReadUsercmd, server.dll + 0x2603F0,
void, __fastcall, (void* buf, void* pCmd_move, void* pCmd_from)) // 4C 89 44 24 ? 53 55 56 57
// clang-format on
// Let normal usercmd read happen first, it's safe
ReadUsercmd(buf, pCmd_move, pCmd_from);
// Now let's make sure the CMD we read isnt messed up to prevent numerous exploits (including server crashing)
struct alignas(4) SV_CUserCmd
DWORD command_number;
DWORD tick_count;
float command_time;
Vector3 worldViewAngles;
BYTE gap18[4];
Vector3 localViewAngles;
Vector3 attackangles;
Vector3 move;
DWORD buttons;
BYTE impulse;
short weaponselect;
DWORD meleetarget;
BYTE gap4C[24];
char headoffset;
BYTE gap65[11];
Vector3 cameraPos;
Vector3 cameraAngles;
BYTE gap88[4];
int tickSomething;
DWORD dword90;
DWORD predictedServerEventAck;
DWORD dword98;
float frameTime;
auto cmd = (SV_CUserCmd*)pCmd_move;
auto fromCmd = (SV_CUserCmd*)pCmd_from;
std::string BLOCK_PREFIX =
"ReadUsercmd (command_number delta: " + std::to_string(cmd->command_number - fromCmd->command_number) + "): ";
// fix invalid player angles
// Fix invalid camera angles
// Fix invaid movement vector
if (cmd->frameTime <= 0 || cmd->tick_count == 0 || cmd->command_time <= 0)
"Bogus cmd timing (tick_count: " << cmd->tick_count << ", frameTime: " << cmd->frameTime
<< ", commandTime : " << cmd->command_time << ")");
goto INVALID_CMD; // No simulation of bogus-timed cmds
// Fix any gameplay-affecting cmd properties
// NOTE: Currently tickcount/frametime is set to 0, this ~shouldn't~ cause any problems
cmd->worldViewAngles = cmd->localViewAngles = cmd->attackangles = cmd->cameraAngles = {0, 0, 0};
cmd->tick_count = cmd->frameTime = 0;
cmd->move = cmd->cameraPos = {0, 0, 0};
cmd->buttons = 0;
cmd->meleetarget = 0;
// ensure that GetLocalBaseClient().m_bRestrictServerCommands is set correctly, which the return value of this function controls
// this is IsValveMod in source, but we're making it IsRespawnMod now since valve didn't make this one
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(IsRespawnMod, engine.dll + 0x1C6360,
bool, __fastcall, (const char* pModName)) // 48 83 EC 28 48 8B 0D ? ? ? ? 48 8D 15 ? ? ? ? E8 ? ? ? ? 85 C0 74 63
// clang-format on
// somewhat temp, store the modname here, since we don't have a proper ptr in engine to it rn
int iSize = strlen(pModName);
R2::g_pModName = new char[iSize + 1];
strcpy(R2::g_pModName, pModName);
return (!strcmp("r2", pModName) || !strcmp("r1", pModName)) && !Tier0::CommandLine()->CheckParm("-norestrictservercommands");
// ratelimit stringcmds, and prevent remote clients from calling commands that they shouldn't
bool (*CCommand__Tokenize)(CCommand& self, const char* pCommandString, R2::cmd_source_t commandSource);
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CGameClient__ExecuteStringCommand, engine.dll + 0x1022E0,
bool, __fastcall, (R2::CBaseClient* self, uint32_t unknown, const char* pCommandString))
// clang-format on
if (Cvar_ns_should_log_all_clientcommands->GetBool())
spdlog::info("player {} (UID: {}) sent command: \"{}\"", self->m_Name, self->m_UID, pCommandString);
if (!g_pServerLimits->CheckStringCommandLimits(self))
R2::CBaseClient__Disconnect(self, 1, "Sent too many stringcmd commands");
return false;
// verify the command we're trying to execute is FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS, if it's a concommand
char* commandBuf[1040]; // assumedly this is the size of CCommand since we don't have an actual constructor
memset(commandBuf, 0, sizeof(commandBuf));
CCommand tempCommand = *(CCommand*)&commandBuf;
if (!CCommand__Tokenize(tempCommand, pCommandString, R2::cmd_source_t::kCommandSrcCode) || !tempCommand.ArgC())
return false;
ConCommand* command = R2::g_pCVar->FindCommand(tempCommand.Arg(0));
// if the command doesn't exist pass it on to ExecuteStringCommand for script clientcommands and stuff
if (command && !command->IsFlagSet(FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS))
// ensure FCVAR_GAMEDLL concommands without FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS can't be executed by remote clients
if (IsDedicatedServer())
return false;
if (strcmp(self->m_UID, R2::g_pLocalPlayerUserID))
return false;
// check for and block abusable legacy portal 2 commands
// these aren't actually concommands weirdly enough, they seem to just be hardcoded
if (!Cvar_sv_cheats->GetBool())
constexpr const char* blockedCommands[] = {
"emit", // Sound-playing exploit (likely for Portal 2 coop devs testing splitscreen sound or something)
// These both execute a command for every single entity for some reason, nice one valve
"end_movie", // Calls "__MovieFinished" script function, not sure exactly what this does but it certainly isn't needed
"load_recent_checkpoint" // This is the instant-respawn exploit, literally just calls RespawnPlayer()
int iCmdLength = strlen(tempCommand.Arg(0));
bool bIsBadCommand = false;
for (auto& blockedCommand : blockedCommands)
if (iCmdLength != strlen(blockedCommand))
for (int i = 0; tempCommand.Arg(0)[i]; i++)
if (tolower(tempCommand.Arg(0)[i]) != blockedCommand[i])
goto NEXT_COMMAND; // break out of this loop, then go to next command
// this is a command we need to block
return false;
return CGameClient__ExecuteStringCommand(self, unknown, pCommandString);
// prevent clients from crashing servers through overflowing CNetworkStringTableContainer::WriteBaselines
bool bWasWritingStringTableSuccessful;
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CBaseClient__SendServerInfo, engine.dll + 0x104FB0,
void, __fastcall, (void* self))
// clang-format on
bWasWritingStringTableSuccessful = true;
if (!bWasWritingStringTableSuccessful)
self, 1, "Overflowed CNetworkStringTableContainer::WriteBaselines, try restarting your client and reconnecting");
// return null when GetEntByIndex is passed an index >= 0x4000
// this is called from exactly 1 script clientcommand that can be given an arbitrary index, and going above 0x4000 crashes
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(GetEntByIndex, server.dll + 0x2A8A50,
void*, __fastcall, (int i))
// clang-format on
const int MAX_ENT_IDX = 0x4000;
if (i >= MAX_ENT_IDX)
spdlog::warn("GetEntByIndex {} is out of bounds (max {})", i, MAX_ENT_IDX);
return nullptr;
return GetEntByIndex(i);
// clang-format off
AUTOHOOK(CL_CopyExistingEntity, engine.dll + 0x6F940,
bool, __fastcall, (void* a1))
// clang-format on
struct CEntityReadInfo
BYTE gap[40];
int nNewEntity;
CEntityReadInfo* pReadInfo = (CEntityReadInfo*)a1;
if (pReadInfo->nNewEntity >= 0x1000 || pReadInfo->nNewEntity < 0)
// Value isn't sanitized in release builds for
// every game powered by the Source Engine 1
// causing read/write outside of array bounds.
// This defect has let to the achievement of a
// full-chain RCE exploit. We hook and perform
// sanity checks for the value of m_nNewEntity
// here to prevent this behavior from happening.
return false;
return CL_CopyExistingEntity(a1);
ON_DLL_LOAD("engine.dll", EngineExploitFixes, (CModule module))
CCommand__Tokenize = module.Offset(0x418380).As<bool (*)(CCommand&, const char*, R2::cmd_source_t)>();
// allow client/ui to run clientcommands despite restricting servercommands
module.Offset(0x4FB65).Patch("EB 11");
module.Offset(0x4FBAC).Patch("EB 16");
// patch to set bWasWritingStringTableSuccessful in CNetworkStringTableContainer::WriteBaselines if it fails
MemoryAddress writeAddress(&bWasWritingStringTableSuccessful - module.Offset(0x234EDC).m_nAddress);
MemoryAddress addr = module.Offset(0x234ED2);
addr.Patch("C7 05");
addr.Offset(2).Patch((BYTE*)&writeAddress, sizeof(writeAddress));
addr.Offset(6).Patch("00 00 00 00");
ON_DLL_LOAD_RELIESON("server.dll", ServerExploitFixes, ConVar, (CModule module))
// ret at the start of CServerGameClients::ClientCommandKeyValues as it has no benefit and is forwarded to client (i.e. security issue)
// this prevents the attack vector of client=>server=>client, however server=>client also has clientside patches
// Dumb ANTITAMPER patches (they negatively impact performance and security)
constexpr const char* ANTITAMPER_EXPORTS[] = {
// Prevent these from actually doing anything
for (auto exportName : ANTITAMPER_EXPORTS)
MemoryAddress exportAddr = module.GetExport(exportName);
if (exportAddr)
// Just return, none of them have any args or are userpurge
spdlog::info("Patched AntiTamper function export \"{}\"", exportName);
Cvar_ns_exploitfixes_log =
new ConVar("ns_exploitfixes_log", "1", FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "Whether to log whenever ExploitFixes.cpp blocks/corrects something");
Cvar_ns_should_log_all_clientcommands =
new ConVar("ns_should_log_all_clientcommands", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Whether to log all clientcommands");
Cvar_sv_cheats = R2::g_pCVar->FindVar("sv_cheats");