
64 lines
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#pragma once
class IMemAlloc
struct VTable
void* unknown[1]; // alloc debug
void* (*Alloc)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc, size_t nSize);
void* unknown2[1]; // realloc debug
void* (*Realloc)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc, void* pMem, size_t nSize);
void* unknown3[1]; // free #1
void (*Free)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc, void* pMem);
void* unknown4[2]; // nullsubs, maybe CrtSetDbgFlag
size_t (*GetSize)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc, void* pMem);
void* unknown5[9]; // they all do literally nothing
void (*DumpStats)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc);
void (*DumpStatsFileBase)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc, const char* pchFileBase);
void* unknown6[4];
int (*heapchk)(IMemAlloc* memAlloc);
VTable* m_vtable;
class CCommandLine
// based on the defs in the 2013 source sdk, but for some reason has an extra function (may be another CreateCmdLine overload?)
// these seem to line up with what they should be though
virtual void CreateCmdLine(const char* commandline) = 0;
virtual void CreateCmdLine(int argc, char** argv) = 0;
virtual void unknown() = 0;
virtual const char* GetCmdLine(void) const = 0;
virtual const char* CheckParm(const char* psz, const char** ppszValue = 0) const = 0;
virtual void RemoveParm() const = 0;
virtual void AppendParm(const char* pszParm, const char* pszValues) = 0;
virtual const char* ParmValue(const char* psz, const char* pDefaultVal = 0) const = 0;
virtual int ParmValue(const char* psz, int nDefaultVal) const = 0;
virtual float ParmValue(const char* psz, float flDefaultVal) const = 0;
virtual int ParmCount() const = 0;
virtual int FindParm(const char* psz) const = 0;
virtual const char* GetParm(int nIndex) const = 0;
virtual void SetParm(int nIndex, char const* pParm) = 0;
// virtual const char** GetParms() const {}
extern IMemAlloc* g_pMemAllocSingleton;
typedef CCommandLine* (*CommandLineType)();
extern CommandLineType CommandLine;
typedef double (*Plat_FloatTimeType)();
extern Plat_FloatTimeType Plat_FloatTime;
typedef bool (*ThreadInServerFrameThreadType)();
extern ThreadInServerFrameThreadType ThreadInServerFrameThread;
void TryCreateGlobalMemAlloc();