# systemd-networkd configuration example This is the config that is used on ZOTAN Networks (AS4242422341). Full network configuration available on [my Git](https://git.zotan.dn42/zotan/dn42) (dn42) or alternatively [my Git](https://git.prod.zotan.network/zotan/dn42) (clear) # Configuration ## loopback device (lo.network) ``` [Match] Name=lo [Network] Address=fdff:b02d:2ef7::2/128 ``` ## wireguard netdev (dn42p1.netdev) ``` [NetDev] Name = dn42p1 Kind = wireguard Description = WireGuard [WireGuard] ListenPort = 42421 PrivateKeyFile = /etc/wireguard/private.key [WireGuardPeer] PublicKey = <peer wg pubkey> Endpoint = <peer wg endpoint>:<peer wg port> AllowedIPs =,,fd00::/8,fe80::/10,ff00::/8 ``` ## wireguard network (dn42p1.network) ``` [Match] Name = dn42p1 [Address] Address = fe80::2342/128 # arbitrary, doesn't need to be unique for each interface Peer = <peer tunnel linklocal address>/128 [Address] Address = <your DN42 ipv4>/32 Peer = <peer DN42 ipv4>/32 ```