# Statistics Please add your public statistics. ## Scripts ### Number of prefixes for collectd #### collectd.conf ``` LoadPlugin exec Exec nobody "/etc/collectd/bgp_prefixes-quagga.sh" ``` collectd refuses to exec scripts as root. On Debian vtysh is compiled with PAM support: adding nobody to the quaggavty group suffices. #### bgp_prefixes-quagga.sh ``` #!/bin/bash INTERVAL=10 HOSTNAME=dn42.hq.c3d2.de while true; do n4=$(vtysh -d bgpd -c "show ip bgp"|grep Total|sed -e 's/Total number of prefixes //') n6=$(vtysh -d bgpd -c "show ipv6 bgp"|grep Total|sed -e 's/Total number of prefixes //') echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/quagga-bgpd/routes-IPv4 interval=$INTERVAL N:$n4" echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/quagga-bgpd/routes-IPv6 interval=$INTERVAL N:$n6" sleep $INTERVAL done ``` #### Number of prefixes per neighbour for bird ``` #!/bin/sh # # Collectd script for collecting the number of routes going through each # BGP neighour. Works for bird. # # See https://dn42.net/Services-Statistics INTERVAL=60 HOSTNAME=mydn42router [ -n "$COLLECTD_HOSTNAME" ] && HOSTNAME="$COLLECTD_HOSTNAME" while true do birdc 'show protocols "*"' | grep ' BGP' | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | while read neighbour do nbroutes=$(birdc "show route protocol $neighbour primary count" | grep -v 'BIRD' | cut -d ' ' -f 1) echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/bird-bgpd/routes-$neighbour interval=$INTERVAL N:$nbroutes" done # FIXME: we probably count non-BGP routes here totalroutes=$(birdc "show route primary count" | grep -v 'BIRD' | cut -d ' ' -f 1) echo "PUTVAL $HOSTNAME/bird-bgpd/routes-all interval=$INTERVAL N:$totalroutes" sleep $INTERVAL done ``` ### munin plugin * add the following to /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node ``` [quagga_bgp] user root ``` * place the script as quagga_bgp in /etc/munin/plugins ``` #!/bin/sh # # # Munin Plugin to show quagga bgp4 routes # Standard Config Section Begin ## if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title Quagga BGP4 Routes' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_scale yes' echo 'graph_vlabel Received routes via BGP4' echo 'graph_category Network' echo 'bgproutes.label Routes' echo 'graph_info Route information provided by quagga daemon via vtysh' exit 0 fi # Standard Config Section End #### # Measure Section Begin ########## data=($(vtysh -c "show ip bgp"|grep Total|cut -d" " -f5)) if [ "$data" = "" ]; then echo bgproutes.value 0 else echo bgproutes.value $data fi # Measure Section ########## ``` * restart munin-node