# Tahoe LAFS ## The idea Tahoe-LAFS provides a distributed, reliable and crypted file system. ## How? Some people runs Tahoe-LAFS nodes, providing space. With clients files can be published and received to the cloud. Everything will be encrypted on client side and keep redundant in the cloud. ## Benefit Default you need only 3 of 10 parts of a file to reconstruct it. So a downtime of a tahoe node doesn't means data loss. Because of the encryption an owner of a node don't know anything about the stored content. ## Usage To provide storage to the cloud you have to run a node. ## Install and configuration To run a node you have to install tahoe-lafs at least in version 1.10. You can get source code from https://tahoe-lafs.org/source/tahoe-lafs/releases/allmydata-tahoe-1.10.0.zip, if the version of the package in the distribution not at least 1.10. Then you have to extract it and install with `python2 setup.py build && sudo python2 setup.py install`. Before the first start you have to create a node with `bin/tahoe create-node` or a client (doesn't provide storage) with `bin/tahoe create-client`. This will create the folder .tahoe in your home dir. In the file .tahoe/tahoe.cfg you have to enter on `introducer.furl` the link to our introducer node: ``` introducer.furl = pb://qjy5oez2nkvmlittbpa7edisfz3436co@introducer.tahoe-lafs.dn42:44413/introducer ``` With `bin/tahoe start` you start your local node. ## Client You can reach the local node via web browser at [http://localhost:3456](http://localhost:3456). ## Further informations Look at https://tahoe-lafs.org for further informations.