diff --git a/internal/Interconnections.md b/internal/Interconnections.md
index f937603..072f5c9 100644
--- a/internal/Interconnections.md
+++ b/internal/Interconnections.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 **This page lists the external Overlay Networks DN42 is connected to**
-| Network                                                | v4 | v6 | TLDs           | Remarks                             |
-|:-------------------------------------------------------|:-- |:-- |:-------------- |:----------------------------------- |
-| [NeoNetwork](https://github.com/NeoCloud/NeoNetwork)   |  X |  X | .neo           |                                                                       |
-| [ICVPN](https://github.com/freifunk/icvpn)             |  X |  X | see ICVPN-Meta | ICVPN ("Inter City Vpn") is where many **Freifunk** communities interconnect with each other. Altough it should not be done, some peers block the range which is used for ICVPN. |
-| [ChaosVPN](https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/ChaosVPN)       |  X |    | .hack          | Few active hosts                    |
-| [CRXN](https://crxn.de/docs/)                          |    |  X | .crxn          |                                     |
+| Network                                                | IPv4 address space | IPv6 address space | TLDs | Remarks |
+| [NeoNetwork](https://github.com/NeoCloud/NeoNetwork)   | `` | `fd10:127::/32` | `.neo` | |
+| [ICVPN](https://github.com/freifunk/icvpn)             | `` | `fd00::/8` | see [ICVPN-Meta](https://github.com/freifunk/icvpn-meta/) |InterCity VPN - many [freifunk](https://freifunk.net) communities interconnect here |
+| [ChaosVPN](https://wiki.hamburg.ccc.de/ChaosVPN)       | ``<br>``<br>``<br>``<br>`` | - | `.hack` | Few active hosts |
+| [CRXN](https://crxn.de/docs/)                          |  - | `fd00::/8` | `.crxn` | |