*You do not need to fork the registry repository. New users are provisioned as collaborators, allowing everyone permission to create new branches in the main registry repository. Note that this process can take up to 10 minutes after logging in as a new user.*
If you need to make changes to fix review issues simply make the updates to your branch and follow the process in (4) to rebase, squash and sign your changes again. **You must do this for every update**.
Do not close and re-open a new pull request, any changes you make on your branch will be automatically updated in the PR. Creating a new PR loses all the history and makes tracking changes harder.
Gitea and the DN42 registry contains personal information for users who are registered in DN42; this information is stored in Canada and viewable by any registered member. In addition, anyone with access to the repository is able to make their own copies of the registry, which they may then process or transfer in arbitrary ways. You must assume that all data entered in to the registry cannot be kept private and will be made publically available.
Any personal information stored in the registry is optional and voluntarily provided by you. Whilst the registry maintainers will make best efforts to update or delete personal data, you must accept that the technical restrictions of git may make this impossible and that your information will likely have been distributed beyond the control of the registry maintainers.
All registered users have the capability to make copies of the registry data for their own use. If you do copy the registry you must ensure that any copies you make are deleted when no longer required and that you will make best efforts to update or delete personal data when requested.